ENGL 599A -- Spring Quarter 2017

Queered Sources, Queer Texts, Queer Futures (w/Scan 504 & C. Lit 535) MW 1:30-3:20 13995

In this course, queer theory is treated as a case study for analyzing the practice of critical theory, its ties to art and activism, its manifestations in sub-fields. We will pair readings from queer thinkers (such as Ahmed, Bersani, Butler, Dean, Edelman, Halberstam, Kosofsky-Sedgwick, Muñoz) with excerpts from their major source texts (from continental philosophy, feminism, psychoanalysis, gay and lesbian studies, literary studies, marxism).

We will also locate the field of queer theory comparatively, contrasting its ‘local’ (US) history with its international impacts and differences. The course model for this comparison will be Scandinavia, but you will have the opportunity to do research and/or present on an international or subcultural context.

Projects will include response papers, an in-class presentation, and an annotated bibliography on a relevant scholar or concept of your choosing.

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