ENGL 569 -- Quarter 2004

Ethnography of Literacy and Orality Guerra TTh 11:30-1:20

The Ethnography of Literacy and Orality

The purpose of this course is to explore the ways in which ethnography has been used to study and problematize our notions of literacy and orality. After we review several articles describing the key issues that have led to the reconceptualization of the relationship between literacy and orality as autonomous, continuous, and dialectical entities, we will engage in an extended discussion of their reformulation by The New Literacy Studies Group as situated practices. We will conclude this segment of the course with James Collins and Richard K. Blott’s incisive critique of these theoretical models in Literacy and Literacies (2003). During the second half of the quarter, we will examine several articles that describe the methodology used in and the theory that informs current ethnographic research. In this context, we will read Ellen Cushman’s The Struggle and the Tools (1998) and Ralph Cintron’s Angels’ Town (1997), two recent ethnographic studies that investigate the rhetorics of oral and written language use among African Americans and Mexican immigrants, respectively. In addition to keeping a research journal and writing a midterm essay, each student will develop a final paper based on a pilot study that examines some aspect of spoken and/or written discourse in an area of personal interest.


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