Professor Megan Dethier named the FHL Associate Director of Academics and the Environment
By Billie J. Swalla
Megan Dethier is a Professor of Biology and a full-time research scientist at Friday Harbor Laboratories. She is famous for her “ZooBot” course, taught during the spring quarter to undergraduates. This course which has launched many a marine biologist’s career over the many years that Megan has taught it. Now Megan's wearing a new chapeau as the FHL Associate Director of Academics and the Environment. This title fits Megan well, as she has been contributing to the academic programs at FHL for many years and she is a champion and steward of the marine environment.

Megan received her Ph.D. in 1981 in the UW Biology Department, studying Marine Ecology with Professor Bob Paine. Professor Dethier is one of our best teachers and researchers here at Friday Harbor Labs, consistently funding her marine research for over 30 years through grants and fellowships. She receives the highest student course evaluations, with students admiring both her amazing expertise about the marine intertidal and her ability to excite students about it. Megan is also an excellent mentor, gently guiding T.A.s and co-Instructors with her fine example of knowledge, organization, and consistency.
Why do I love working with Megan? She is professional but has a great sense of humor. She gets things done and does not shy away from difficult decisions. She operates with her own autonomy, but checks in periodically to be sure that we are on the same page. We are working with the University of Washington Seattle campus which necessarily involves important meetings, frequently conducted on the Seattle campus, and Megan is willing to attend these in order to be sure that FHL interests are represented and report back what happened there. She is an ideal liaison between the University and the Labs.

One of Megan’s critical, current duties is to represent FHL in designing the new proposed Marine Biology major at UW in the College of the Environment. She is also working with Preserves Manager Dr. Claudia Mills to write new Management Plans for the FHL Biological Preserves. Additionally, Megan is coordinating collection permits and serving on the Marine Resource Committee for the San Juan Islands. Her expertise in research, teaching, and outreach at FHL will serve her well in this new role as Associate Director of Academics and the Environment. Welcome to the FHL Administration, Megan, and Thank You for a job well done.