Catalyst SimpleSite

Usage statistics for glchist/ on

Summary Period: December 2009
Generated 01-Jan-2010 04:26 PST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for December 2009
Total Hits 98
Total Files 93
Total Pages 91
Total Visits 51
Total KBytes 375
Total Unique Sites 27
Total Unique URLs 17
Total Unique Referrers 5
Total Unique User Agents 7
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 0 28
Hits per Day 3 30
Files per Day 3 30
Pages per Day 2 30
Visits per Day 1 4
KBytes per Day 12 80
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 93
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 2
Code 304 - Not Modified 1
Code 404 - Not Found 2

Daily usage for December 2009

Daily Statistics for December 2009
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 1 1.02% 0 0.00% 1 1.10% 1 1.96% 1 3.70% 0 0.03%
2 2 2.04% 1 1.08% 2 2.20% 2 3.92% 2 7.41% 6 1.57%
3 3 3.06% 3 3.23% 3 3.30% 2 3.92% 2 7.41% 5 1.35%
4 3 3.06% 3 3.23% 3 3.30% 3 5.88% 2 7.41% 21 5.48%
5 1 1.02% 1 1.08% 1 1.10% 1 1.96% 1 3.70% 3 0.87%
6 2 2.04% 2 2.15% 2 2.20% 2 3.92% 2 7.41% 10 2.54%
7 1 1.02% 1 1.08% 1 1.10% 1 1.96% 1 3.70% 4 0.95%
8 2 2.04% 1 1.08% 2 2.20% 2 3.92% 2 7.41% 4 0.98%
9 2 2.04% 2 2.15% 2 2.20% 2 3.92% 2 7.41% 11 2.85%
10 1 1.02% 1 1.08% 1 1.10% 1 1.96% 1 3.70% 4 1.02%
11 30 30.61% 30 32.26% 30 32.97% 3 5.88% 3 11.11% 12 3.27%
12 2 2.04% 2 2.15% 2 2.20% 2 3.92% 2 7.41% 10 2.77%
13 6 6.12% 5 5.38% 5 5.49% 3 5.88% 3 11.11% 12 3.30%
14 4 4.08% 4 4.30% 3 3.30% 3 5.88% 3 11.11% 12 3.13%
15 1 1.02% 1 1.08% 1 1.10% 1 1.96% 1 3.70% 5 1.24%
16 1 1.02% 1 1.08% 1 1.10% 1 1.96% 1 3.70% 5 1.27%
17 12 12.24% 12 12.90% 11 12.09% 2 3.92% 2 7.41% 64 17.07%
18 1 1.02% 1 1.08% 1 1.10% 1 1.96% 1 3.70% 5 1.29%
19 1 1.02% 1 1.08% 1 1.10% 1 1.96% 1 3.70% 5 1.35%
20 1 1.02% 1 1.08% 1 1.10% 1 1.96% 1 3.70% 5 1.36%
21 1 1.02% 1 1.08% 1 1.10% 1 1.96% 1 3.70% 5 1.37%
22 1 1.02% 1 1.08% 1 1.10% 1 1.96% 1 3.70% 5 1.37%
23 1 1.02% 1 1.08% 1 1.10% 1 1.96% 1 3.70% 5 1.37%
24 1 1.02% 1 1.08% 1 1.10% 1 1.96% 1 3.70% 5 1.38%
25 1 1.02% 1 1.08% 1 1.10% 1 1.96% 1 3.70% 5 1.39%
26 1 1.02% 1 1.08% 1 1.10% 1 1.96% 1 3.70% 5 1.39%
27 1 1.02% 1 1.08% 1 1.10% 1 1.96% 1 3.70% 5 1.40%
28 7 7.14% 7 7.53% 5 5.49% 4 7.84% 4 14.81% 46 12.17%
29 4 4.08% 3 3.23% 3 3.30% 3 5.88% 4 14.81% 80 21.48%
30 2 2.04% 2 2.15% 1 1.10% 1 1.96% 2 7.41% 6 1.52%
31 1 1.02% 1 1.08% 1 1.10% 1 1.96% 1 3.70% 6 1.47%

Hourly usage for December 2009

Hourly Statistics for December 2009
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 0 7 7.14% 0 6 6.45% 0 5 5.49% 0 11 2.81%
1 0 1 1.02% 0 1 1.08% 0 0 0.00% 2 74 19.81%
2 0 11 11.22% 0 11 11.83% 0 10 10.99% 2 59 15.77%
3 1 34 34.69% 1 31 33.33% 1 33 36.26% 4 138 36.75%
4 0 1 1.02% 0 1 1.08% 0 1 1.10% 0 6 1.60%
5 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
6 0 29 29.59% 0 29 31.18% 0 29 31.87% 0 0 0.12%
7 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
8 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
9 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
10 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
11 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
12 0 1 1.02% 0 1 1.08% 0 1 1.10% 0 9 2.49%
13 0 2 2.04% 0 1 1.08% 0 2 2.20% 0 6 1.53%
14 0 1 1.02% 0 1 1.08% 0 1 1.10% 0 1 0.18%
15 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
16 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
17 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
18 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
19 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
20 0 3 3.06% 0 3 3.23% 0 3 3.30% 0 8 2.22%
21 0 2 2.04% 0 2 2.15% 0 2 2.20% 0 15 3.92%
22 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
23 0 6 6.12% 0 6 6.45% 0 4 4.40% 2 48 12.79%

Top 16 of 17 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 29 29.59% 6 1.53% /glchist/webstats/usage_200909.html
2 29 29.59% 130 34.81% /glchist/webstats/usage_200912.html
3 8 8.16% 7 1.78% /glchist/
4 4 4.08% 26 6.84% /glchist/istoria.shtml
5 4 4.08% 33 8.86% /glchist/zindex.shtml
6 3 3.06% 1 0.35% /glchist/resources/
7 2 2.04% 61 16.28% /glchist/ideas.doc
8 2 2.04% 1 0.21% /glchist/images/
9 2 2.04% 19 4.97% /glchist/istoriasub.shtml
10 2 2.04% 0 0.05% /glchist/xindex.html
11 1 1.02% 0 0.05% /glchist/extended_log
12 1 1.02% 0 0.00% /glchist/extended_log.old
13 1 1.02% 6 1.60% /glchist/gallery.shtml
14 1 1.02% 74 19.81% /glchist/resources/GLC_charter.pdf
15 1 1.02% 2 0.52% /glchist/webstats/
16 1 1.02% 7 1.86% /glchist/webstats/usage_200812.html

Top 10 of 17 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 29 29.59% 130 34.81% /glchist/webstats/usage_200912.html
2 1 1.02% 74 19.81% /glchist/resources/GLC_charter.pdf
3 2 2.04% 61 16.28% /glchist/ideas.doc
4 4 4.08% 33 8.86% /glchist/zindex.shtml
5 4 4.08% 26 6.84% /glchist/istoria.shtml
6 2 2.04% 19 4.97% /glchist/istoriasub.shtml
7 1 1.02% 7 1.86% /glchist/webstats/usage_200812.html
8 8 8.16% 7 1.78% /glchist/
9 1 1.02% 6 1.60% /glchist/gallery.shtml
10 29 29.59% 6 1.53% /glchist/webstats/usage_200909.html

Top 10 of 11 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 29 29.59% 29 60.42% /glchist/webstats/usage_200912.html
2 8 8.16% 5 10.42% /glchist/
3 4 4.08% 3 6.25% /glchist/istoria.shtml
4 4 4.08% 3 6.25% /glchist/zindex.shtml
5 29 29.59% 2 4.17% /glchist/webstats/usage_200909.html
6 1 1.02% 1 2.08% /glchist/gallery.shtml
7 2 2.04% 1 2.08% /glchist/images/
8 2 2.04% 1 2.08% /glchist/istoriasub.shtml
9 3 3.06% 1 2.08% /glchist/resources/
10 1 1.02% 1 2.08% /glchist/webstats/usage_200812.html

Top 10 of 10 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 29 29.59% 28 59.57% /glchist/webstats/usage_200912.html
2 8 8.16% 5 10.64% /glchist/
3 4 4.08% 4 8.51% /glchist/zindex.shtml
4 4 4.08% 2 4.26% /glchist/istoria.shtml
5 3 3.06% 2 4.26% /glchist/resources/
6 29 29.59% 2 4.26% /glchist/webstats/usage_200909.html
7 1 1.02% 1 2.13% /glchist/gallery.shtml
8 2 2.04% 1 2.13% /glchist/istoriasub.shtml
9 1 1.02% 1 2.13% /glchist/webstats/usage_200812.html
10 2 2.04% 1 2.13% /glchist/xindex.html

Top 27 of 27 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 28 28.57% 28 30.11% 0 0.00% 1 1.96%
2 13 13.27% 13 13.98% 60 16.14% 3 5.88%
3 5 5.10% 5 5.38% 21 5.65% 4 7.84%
4 4 4.08% 3 3.23% 8 2.05% 1 1.96%
5 4 4.08% 3 3.23% 15 3.97% 4 7.84%
6 4 4.08% 4 4.30% 86 22.84% 3 5.88%
7 4 4.08% 4 4.30% 20 5.37% 4 7.84%
8 3 3.06% 3 3.23% 13 3.51% 3 5.88%
9 3 3.06% 3 3.23% 10 2.80% 3 5.88%
10 3 3.06% 3 3.23% 31 8.36% 1 1.96%
11 3 3.06% 3 3.23% 15 4.00% 3 5.88%
12 3 3.06% 2 2.15% 14 3.66% 3 5.88%
13 2 2.04% 2 2.15% 10 2.78% 2 3.92%
14 2 2.04% 2 2.15% 8 2.12% 2 3.92%
15 2 2.04% 2 2.15% 9 2.51% 2 3.92%
16 2 2.04% 1 1.08% 4 0.94% 2 3.92%
17 2 2.04% 2 2.15% 3 0.69% 1 1.96%
18 2 2.04% 2 2.15% 7 1.79% 1 1.96%
19 1 1.02% 1 1.08% 0 0.08% 0 0.00%
20 1 1.02% 1 1.08% 6 1.60% 1 1.96%
21 1 1.02% 1 1.08% 4 1.02% 1 1.96%
22 1 1.02% 1 1.08% 5 1.29% 1 1.96%
23 1 1.02% 1 1.08% 4 1.00% 1 1.96%
24 1 1.02% 1 1.08% 5 1.39% 1 1.96%
25 1 1.02% 0 0.00% 0 0.03% 1 1.96%
26 1 1.02% 1 1.08% 8 2.22% 1 1.96%
27 1 1.02% 1 1.08% 8 2.22% 1 1.96%

Top 10 of 27 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 4 4.08% 4 4.30% 86 22.84% 3 5.88%
2 13 13.27% 13 13.98% 60 16.14% 3 5.88%
3 3 3.06% 3 3.23% 31 8.36% 1 1.96%
4 5 5.10% 5 5.38% 21 5.65% 4 7.84%
5 4 4.08% 4 4.30% 20 5.37% 4 7.84%
6 3 3.06% 3 3.23% 15 4.00% 3 5.88%
7 4 4.08% 3 3.23% 15 3.97% 4 7.84%
8 3 3.06% 2 2.15% 14 3.66% 3 5.88%
9 3 3.06% 3 3.23% 13 3.51% 3 5.88%
10 3 3.06% 3 3.23% 10 2.80% 3 5.88%

Top 5 of 5 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 63 64.29% - (Direct Request)
2 28 28.57%
3 4 4.08%
4 2 2.04%
5 1 1.02%

Top 2 of 2 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 1 50.00% katharine chapman
2 1 50.00% steve beda uw

Top 7 of 7 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 43 43.88% Googlebot/2.1
2 28 28.57% Wget/, Internet Explorer 7.0 - WinNT
3 13 13.27% Exabot/3.0
4 9 9.18% Mozilla/5.0
5 3 3.06% msnbot/2.0b (+
6 1 1.02% MSIE 8.0
7 1 1.02% Mozilla/4.0

Usage by Country for December 2009

Top 4 of 4 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 63 64.29% 59 63.44% 360 96.08% US Commercial
2 28 28.57% 28 30.11% 0 0.00% France
3 5 5.10% 4 4.30% 8 2.13% Network
4 2 2.04% 2 2.15% 7 1.79% US Educational

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01
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