The 39th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics

First Circular and Call for Abstracts

February 20, 2006

First Circular | Second Circular | Third Circular | Fourth Circular | Fifth Circular


We are pleased to announce that the 39th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages & Linguistics will be held on the campus of the University of Washington in Seattle, Sept. 14-17, 2006. If there is interest, pre-conference workshops will be held Sept. 13 and/or Sept. 14. Depending on the number of conference participants, regular sessions will begin Sept. 14 or Sept. 15.

The conference is hosted by the Department of Asian Languages & Literature. Updated information on the conference, as well as copies of all circulars and other announcements, is available at the ICSTLL-39 web site,

Intent to Participate

If you are considering attending the conference, whether you plan to present a paper or not, please visit the ICSTLL-39 web site and indicate your intent to participate by April 1, 2006. This will help us to determine how many participants to plan for. We intend to make a list of participants and paper titles available on the web site in advance of the conference.

You may also add or remove your name from the conference email list on the intent to participate page.

Call for Abstracts

Papers are welcome on all aspects of linguistics in the Sino-Tibetan area. The deadline for abstracts is June 15, 2006.

Abstract format: Abstracts shall be limited to one page. Abstracts should be in English, or bilingual including English. At the top of the abstract please include the paper title, your name, institution, and email.

Abstract submission: If possible, please send abstracts as email attachments to icstll39 @ Pdf format is preferred. If pdf is not possible, Microsoft Word (.doc) format is acceptable. The file name should include both "icstll" and your last name, for example "icstll39_handel.pdf" or "icstll39_handel.doc". If submission in electronic form is not possible, abstracts may instead be sent by regular mail to

Zev Handel
ICSTLL-39 Organizing Committee
Department of Asian Languages & Literature
Box 353521
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-3521

Conference Language

The language of conference presentations will be English. If you are unable to present in English, please make arrangements for English-language handouts and/or interpretation into English.


Information on registering for the conference will included in the second circular, to be mailed out in May, 2006. We anticipate a registration fee of US $40 (US $15 for students) and a registration deadline of July 15, 2006. Both the cost and the deadline are subject to change. There will be a separate charge for the conference banquet and other meals. We regret that we will be unable to accept late registrations. Please plan accordingly.


We have secured a block of rooms at a reduced price at two hotels near campus, University Inn and the Watertown Inn. Rooms at Watertown Inn are somewhat nicer than at University Inn, but both provide comfortable accommodation. The hotels are about a 15-minute walk from the conference site, and within a 5-minute walk of each other. Details and information on reserving rooms are available on the ICSTLL-39 web site.


The nearest airport is Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA), located 18 miles south of the University of Washington. Travel time from the airport to the conference hotels is about 30 minutes in normal traffic conditions. More details on transportation will be available on the ICSTLL-39 web site.


Some non-US citizens will need a B-1 (business) visa to enter the United States to attend the conference. If you are in doubt about whether you will need a visa to enter the US, please carefully consult the US State Department web site and/or check with your local US consulate. Because of current security concerns, wait times for a visa can be weeks or months, so plan to apply early. Information on visas for temporary visitors to the US is available at this US State Department web site. You will also find a link there to a page that provides anticipated wait times for visas.

When you indicate your intent to participate in ICSTLL-39, you will be able to request an official letter inviting you to the conference, which you can submit with your visa application.


The conference banquet will be held Saturday evening, Sept. 16, 2006. There will be a separate charge for attending the banquet. We also plan to provide dinners on other nights of the conference for a small fee. Conference participants will be responsible for their own lunches. Breakfast is available at the conference hotels, and light refreshments will be served at conference sessions.

Further details on meals will be included in the second or third circular.

Email List

If you received this circular directly from icstll39 @, then you are already on the conference email list. Please circulate this announcement to colleagues. If you did not receive this email directly from icstll39 @, then you may sign up to receive future email announcements on the intent to participate page of the ICSTLL-39 web site.


We hope to see many of you in Seattle! If you have any questions about the conference, or suggestions for workshops, panels, or other activities, please contact Prof. Zev Handel at icstll39 @

For the ICSTLL-39 Organizing Committee,
Zev Handel

First Circular | Second Circular | Third Circular | Fourth Circular | Fifth Circular


Host: Department of Asian Languages & Literature
Principal Organizer: Zev Handel
Sponsors: Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange, China Studies Program, Department of Asian Languages & Literature, Department of Linguistics, The Graduate School Fund for Excellence & Innovation, Office of the Dean of Humanities, East Asia Center, Southeast Asia Center, South Asia Center