Philosophy & Scope

Nanobiotechnology and
Biomedical Applications

Prof. Kannan M. Krishnan (Principal Investigator)
  • Functionalized Nanomagnetic Molecular Probes for imaging, therapeutics and diagnostics
  • Drug delivery, contrast enhancements and hyperthermia.
    Current focus in on cancer and cardiovascular diseases and targeting sites of angiogenesis
  • Diagnostics methods include biosensors using magnetic relaxation and chip-based magnetic separation for immunoassays. Magnetophoretic mobility and manipulation of bilological structures using magnetic beads.
  • Design, optimization and development of a Magnetic Particle Imaging microscope
  • Cytotoxicity and Pharmacokinetics

Active Projects
Synthesis and optimization of nanoparticle contrast agents for MRI
Funding: NIH/NINDS

Co/Au Core-shell Structures in Biomedical Applications
Funding: NSF (DMR-0203069)

Magnetic Particle Imaging
Funding: University Initiative Fund at UW

Completed Projects
Magnetic Fluid Hyperthermia: Synthesis, Modeling and Quantification
Funding: Campbell Endowment at UW

Mr. Yi-Cheng Lee, Graduate student MSE (3/06 - present)
Mr. Amit Khandahar, Graduate Student MSE (1/08 - present)
Mr. Matthew Ferguson, MSE Graduate Student (9/06-present)

Prof. P. Stayton, Bioengineering/UW
Dr. M. Zeissberger, IPHT, Jena, Germany
Dr. A. Koretsky, NIH/NINDS
Prof. M. Rosenfeld, Env. & Pub. Health, UW
Prof. C. Yuan, Radiology, UW
Dr. L. Mitsumori, Radiology, UW
Dr. J. Simon, FHCRC
Dr. J. Pounds, PNNL
Prof. R. Narain, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Laurentian University, Canada

Project Alumni
Dr. (Ms.) Marcela Gonzales-Weimuller (Graduate Student, MSE: 2002-2007)
Ph.D in Materials Science and Engineering, UW
Dissertation: " Magnetic Fluid Hyperthermia: Synthesis, Modeling and Quantification"

Prof. S.-H. Yoon (Visiting Scientist, MSE: 2006-2007)

Dr. Saikat Mandal ( Post-doctoral Fellow, MSE: 2005-2006)

Dr. (Ms.) Yuping Bao (Graduate Student, MSE: 2001-2006)
Dual Ph. D., in Materials Science & Engineering and Nanotechnology, UW
Dissertation: “Synthesis, Self-assembly and Potential Applications of Cobalt-based Nanoparticles with Tailored Magnetic Properties”.
Presently, Assistant Professor, Dept. Chem. and Bio Engineering, University of Alabama)

Mr. Jared Silvia (Undergraduate Student, Biochemistry: 2003-2004)

Mr. Josh Schmidt, Physics Undergraduate Student: 2006-7)

Mr. Jared Silvia, B.S. 2005 (Presently: Churchill Fellow, Cambridge, UK)