New Spring Pre-Health course still has room!

B H 201: Topics in Bioethics

New hybrid course, Spring 2015, Tuesdays 2:30-4:30, 201 Gowan Hall 

THIS COURSE STILL HAS SPACE. Freshmen and sophomores welcome!  

Ethics | biology | medicine | life sciences |

biotechnology | politics | law | philosophy


: a discipline dealing with the ethical implications of biological research and

applications especially in medicine


Why did the field of bioethics develop and how has it changed over time? This 200-level (blended online/in-class)course addresses these questions, introducing freshmen and sophomores to major topics in clinical, research, and population health ethics as well as to methods of ethical analysis. Lectures and class activities begin with the events that prompted the birth of bioethics and move on to staple issues of informed consent, end-of-life care, resource allocation in health care, clinical and genomic research, and public health ethics. Students will have the opportunity to learn from and interact with core and affiliate bioethics faculty with a diverse range of scholarly expertise and to learn more about the bioethics minor. 

This course is a hybrid online course, with at least 50% of content conveyed online in some form. This will include online “mini-lectures” students will watch and weekly online quizzes that students will take to test their knowledge of the lectures and readings. Weekly class assignments and activities may take place in the classroom or online or some combination thereof, as specified by the instructor.