Faculty/ Staff/Grad Student Green Dot Overview and Emotional First Aid

Faculty/ Staff/Grad Student Green Dot Overview and Emotional First Aid
Friday, November 18, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm, HUB 332, UW Seattle
Friday, November 30, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm, HUB 332, UW Seattle
Register for a training

UW Green Dot has exciting new trainings to support the work you are doing with students and your interactions with peers. The trainings will  equip you with practical skills to be an active bystander. It will provide opportunities to learn, discuss, and practice intervention skills related to interpersonal violence and individuals in distress. Additionally we will discuss Title IX and the UW referral procedures.

New to Green Dot? The aim of UW Green Dot is to prevent and reduce power-based violence at UW by engaging students, faculty, and staff as active bystanders who step in, speak up, and interrupt potential acts of violence. The Green Dot movement is about gaining a critical mass of the UW community, who are willing to do their small part to actively and visibly reduce power-based personal violence at UW. The program is based out of the UW office of Health and Wellness, SafeCampus, and other campus departments. Learn more about UW GreenDot


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