Open Calls for The _______ Monologues!

It’s that time of year again, looking for all writers, radicals, and people who just want to share a story! It is open calls for The __________ Monologues.

The __________ Monologues is an entirely student written and organized production featuring UW students. Cast members will share personal stories of survival, identity and resistance through a range of performances. As a challenge to the widely-known Vagina Monologues, The ___________ Monologues asserts that people can tell their own stories in their own voices. It is always a powerful evening of truth telling. The ________ Monologues was previously known as The Vagina Monologues (changed in 2012).

Students of all races, classes, sexual orientations, minds, bodies, ages and religions are encouraged to perform. Monologues are written on any topic that we believe should be part of the conversation that the Monologues is intended to spark. Topics encouraged include gender identity, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, bodies, minds, activism, relationships, families. Individuals write truths that need be shared to discuss and deconstruct the identity of “woman”.

Be sure to sign up for the The _______ Monologues Open Calls @ !!!!

For more information email:

Facebook Event Here:


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