Community Teach-In Invitation for SSW Community (5/3)

Join the School of Social Work community for a teach-in by Dr. Nada Elia, PhD, titled “Feminism as an Indigenous Decolonial Praxis.” Dr. Elia will lecture on the historical context that led up to October 7th, including grassroots and non-violent resistance and the disproportionate and military response of Israelis towards Palestinian attempts to exercise their human rights.  All students, faculty, and staff of the School of Social Work are warmly invited.

About the facilitator:
Dr. Nada Elia is a Professor of Cultural Studies at Western Washington University, a scholar, writer, and grassroots organizer.  Dr. Elia is a vital member of the Palestinian Feminist Collective.

RSVP Here: Community Teach-In Invitation and RSVP
Date & Time: Friday May 3rd at 12pm 


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