AUT 2024 Grad Public Policy Courses

The Evans School of Public Policy & Governance is offering several courses in AUT 2024 that are accessible to all graduate students. These courses can be used to fulfill your MSW Out-of-Department credit requirements.

  • PUBPOL 501 Legislative Relations (4) with Matt Steuerwalt 

This course examines the legislative process in Washington State with some discussion of the federal and local government contexts. Students will study the rules and practices of these legislative bodies and the strategies and tactics used by legislators, their staff, citizens, stakeholders, and lobbyists.   

  • PUBPOL 503 Executive Leadership (4) with Mariko Lockhart  

Cultivate the practical skills required to lead within various operational contexts. Managerial strategies for addressing problems in public, not-for-profit and business organizations will be examined through case studies, general readings, class-exercises, presentations by practitioners, and self-reflection. Throughout this course, students will practice the core skills required for their success as future leaders. 

  • PUBPOL 550 Managing Nonprofit and Philanthropic Organizations (4) with David Suarez 

Focuses on the roles and practices of nonprofit and philanthropic organizations. Provides an overview of topics relevant to nonprofit and social sector organizations, including theoretical foundations, legal forms, governance and leadership, cross-sector relationships, revenue streams and fundraising, and policy advocacy. This course fulfills a Nonprofit Management Certificate requirement. 

  • PUBPOL 599A Special Topics: Investigating Racialized Public Policy (4) with Karin Martin          

By taking a critical stance in examining the role of race in major domains of policy — such as housing, education, health, and crime — this course explores how public policy can both worsen and improve public problems. The course focuses on the central role of anti-Blackness in governmental response to public problems to explore why so many of these problems seem intractable. 

  • PUBPOL 599B Special Topics: Water Law & Policy (4) with Philip Womble 

This course will study how society allocates and protects its most crucial natural resource — water. The course will focus on United States law and policy governing water resource allocation and use, primarily in the western states, but we will occasionally look at law and policy elsewhere in the world for comparison


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