Looking for Community? Come join the UW Interdisciplinary Graduate Aging Group!

The UW Interdisciplinary Graduate Aging Group is a graduate student research cluster that aims to foster a community of aging scholars from across the academy, who are interested in the cross-disciplinary significance of aging research. United by an interest in understanding aging as a multidimensional phenomenon, the group engages with an array of concepts, theories, and perspectives that enrich the narrative of aging and deepen our appreciation for its value and complexity.

Co-led by Nicolai Wohns (PhD student, Philosophy) and Sarah McKiddy (PhD student, Nursing), the group is primarily composed of graduate students from both the humanities and the sciences, but is open to post-docs and faculty as well. We will meet twice monthly starting in autumn quarter, alternating a journal club session with a guest faculty lecture from various fields. The first meeting will be at 5pm on September 26th in the The Hans Rosling Center, Room 101.

If interested, please fill out this form to indicate your interest and availability. You can also contact Nicolai at for more information.


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