Teaching Assistant Position Open w/Runstad Department of Real Estate! Due Oct 4th

The Runstad Department of Real Estate is inviting applications from UW graduate students for a 20-hour per week teaching assistant position. This appointment will commence in Winter Quarter 2025 and requires commitment throughout all four academic quarters, including the summer quarter. We are looking for a candidate who can commit to this role at least until Spring 2026, if not longer.

During Winter, Spring, and Summer 2025, the selected teaching assistant will support material preparation for a new undergraduate course on residential real estate property transactions. Starting Autumn Quarter 2025, the individual will take on the role of teaching assistant for this course. Ideal candidates should have knowledge of the homebuying process and a keen interest in assisting with the development of course materials.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please email Dr. Rebecca Walter at by Friday, October 4, with the following information:

1) a paragraph summarizing your understanding of residential real estate property transactions and/or your experience with course material preparation and teaching;

2) confirmation of your availability to start in Winter Quarter 2025 and your commitment through at least Spring 2026, along with your ability to work 20 hours per week;

3) a current resume or CV; and 4) your availability (dates/times) for a 30-minute Zoom interview during the week of October 14.


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