2010 Nanomanufacturing Group

Jonghoon Kim

Ph.D. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Research Topic
Tip-based enrichment methods for disease diagnosis

Previous Education
BS : Physics, Hanyang University, South Korea
MS : Electrical Engineering (Applied physics), University of Califonia, San Diego


Zhiquan Shu

Ph.D. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Research Topic
Fundamental cryobiology and long-term preservation of bacterium

Previous Education
BS: Mechanical Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), China
MS: Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington.


Gareth Fotouhi

Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Research Topic
Assembly of nanostructures for biosensor applications

Previous Education
BS: Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington
BA: Business Administration, University of Washington


Shinnosuke Inoue

Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Research Topic
Determination of cell death by electrokinetics

Previous Education
BS: Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington


Hyun-Boo Lee

Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Research Topic
Capturing mechanism of DNA onto nanostructured tip using electric field induced phenomena

Previous Education
BS : Mechanical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea
MS : Mechanical Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea


Andrew Cairns

M.S. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Research Topic

Previous Education
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington


Morgan Hiraiwa

M.S. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Research Topic

Previous Education
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington



Dr. Kieseok Oh

Senior Engineer, NanoFacture Inc.

Research Topic
Biosensor development


Dr. Kyong-Hoon Lee

President, NanoFacture Inc.
Affiliate Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering at UW

Research Topic
Nanoengineered low cost diagnosis


Scott Soelberg

Research Scientist, Medical Genetics

Research Topic