
The University of Washington hosts the Undergraduate Research Symposium at Mary Gates Hall every spring to give undergraduates a chance to present what they have learned through their research experiences to a larger audience.

This year, PBS Lab was proud to have three undergraduate interns present at the Mary Gates Symposium and one student present at the Seattle University Annual Research Symposium.

Tanner Mooney (UW) presented on Sex Differences in the Relationship Between Puberty and Social Impairment: A Cross-Sectional Study of Children with Autism 

Natalie Logan (UW) presented on Sex Differences in Pragmatic Language Ability in School-Age Children with ASD

Kenneth Wong presented (UW) presented on Pregnancy/Birth Complications Effects on Externalizing Behaviors in ASD Children

Molly McCabe (SU) presented on Sex Differences in Frontal Asymmetry and Social Impairment in Autism Spectrum Disorder


Mary Gates 2020

From Left to Right: Tanner Mooney, Natalie Logan and Molly McCabe



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