Early Connections 

Dr. Sara Webb and Dr. Annette Estes and researchers at the University of Washington want to learn more about the benefits of early intervention with young siblings of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD).

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Social Connectivity Study

Researchers at the University of Washington Autism Center want to better understand brain functioning and cognitive profiles in individuals with autism spectrum disorders and typical development.

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Child BASIC Study

University of Washington Researchers are studying the brain function of children with autism spectrum disorders and typical development as they use conflicting information to solve problems.  This skill has been linked to social and academic functioning, but the brain systems underlying this ability are not well understood in autism spectrum disorders.

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Family Traits Research 

Dr. Sara Jane Webb and researchers at the University of Washington want to learn more about social skills, thinking, and communication skills in a wide range of individuals. The information gained in this study may lead to a better understanding of autism and human development.

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Simons Simplex Collection

The Simons Simplex Collection (SSC) project is a new initiative to search for the causes of autism. Earlier research efforts studied multiplex families, or families with more than one child with autism. The current study is focused on families with just one child with autism, called simplex families, which will provide insight into the most common and unexplained form of autism.

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Eye Gaze/ Fragile X

Dr. Sara Webb and researchers at the University of Washington want to learn more about the similarities and  differences between individuals with Fragile X Syndrome or Autism. In Fragile X Syndrome, one of the most noted behaviors is eye gaze avoidance. In Autism, shared attention deficits are one of the most consistent symptoms.

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Dr. Sara Webb is looking for 1-to-4-year-old children with typical development to participate in a study on attention, regulation, and development. We will monitor your child’s heart rate while they watch movies and play games in two or three 2-hour visits to Seattle Children’s Research Institute in downtown Seattle

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Reading Emotions 

A new research study for Korean and Caucasian Children with ASD. This project seeks to understand how self and community race/ethnicity influence face processing in children with ASD. 10-17-year-old children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. Children must be of 100% Caucasian or 100% Korean race/ethnic background.

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Social Reward in Autism 

The goal of this study is to learn how kids’ brains respond to different kinds of rewards, and how that relates to their social and communication skills. We are inviting children between 8 and 12 years old with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

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ABC-CT_Logo-HorizontalName-RGB The Autism Biomarkers Consortium for Clinical Trials (ABC-CT) is seeking families to participate in a study to improve diagnosis and treatment in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). We are currently recruiting both typically developing children and children with a diagnosis of ASD between the ages of 4 and 11 years old.

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