Brain Activity for Solving Information Conflicts

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What is being studied?

University of Washington Researchers are studying the brain function of children with autism spectrum disorders and typical development as they use conflicting information to solve problems. This skill has been linked to social and academic functioning, but the brain systems underlying this ability are not well understood in autism spectrum disorders.

Who can participate?

7 – 11 year olds with high functioning autism spectrum disorders or typical development.

What does the study involve?

  • Two parent phone calls Questionnaires about your child
  • Two 1-2 1/2 hour visits at the University of Washington for assessment of cognitive skills and EEG assessment of brain function.

EEG is a safe, non-invasive method of measuring brain activity. Children will wear a hat with sensors while completing game-like tasks.

What will I receive for participating?

Families receive feedback about their participating child’s development. All participants receive a modest payment for participating.

What are the risks and what safeguards?

There are no known risks associated with the tasks used in the study. All information collected as part of this study is kept strictly confidential and is kept separate from identifying information.  The University of Washington Human Subjects Review Committee has reviewed this study.

Who are the investigators involved in this project?

Susan Faja, Ph.D.
Sara Webb, Ph.D.
Wendy Stone, Ph.D.

Who should I contact to get involved?

Recruitment is closed at this time.