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Evidence Base
• Accuracy in Diagnosis of Pneumonia
• Accuracy in Diagnosis of COPD
• Accuracy in Diagnosis of Pneumonia
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[Skill Modules >> Pulmonary Examination >> Evidence Base ]

Evidence Base: Pulmonary

Accuracy in Diagnosis of COPD

Question 1: How helpful are the history and examination in predicting the finding of obstructive airways disease (COPD) in a patient?

Study of 167 patients with COPD


History LR+ LR- Sensitivity Specificity
Smoking (ever) 1.2 (1.1-1.4) .23 (.08-.64) .94 .24
Dyspnea 1.2 (1.02-1.5) .55 (.31-.98) 0.82 0.33
Cough 1.8 (1.2-2.6) .69 (.52-.90) 0.51 0.71
Wheezing 3.1 (1.9-5.2) .58 (.45-.75) 0.51 0.84
Chronic Bronchitis 3.8 (2-7.2) .66 (.53-.81) 0.42 0.89
Orthopnea 1.6 (.79-3.4) .92 (.80-.1.05) 0.19 0.88

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History LR+ LR- Sensitivity Specificity
Decreased Breath Sounds 1.2 (1.1-1.4) .23 (.08-.64) .94 .24
Wheezing 1.2 (1.02-1.5) .55 (.31-.98) 0.82 0.33
Rales 1.8 (1.2-2.6) .69 (.52-.90) 0.51 0.71
Cough 3.1 (1.9-5.2) .58 (.45-.75) 0.51 0.84
Subxyphoid Impulse 3.8 (2-7.2) .66 (.53-.81) 0.42 0.89

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Peak Flowmeter (nomogram)

Nomogram for predicting probability of airflow obstruction at the bedside
nomogram for prediciting probablity of airflow obstruction at the bedside

How To Use:

  • In first column, select A scale for "no wheezing" or B scale for "wheezing"
  • In last column, use either "no or yes" or best of 3 "PEF" rate trials scale
  • Place a ruler on # of yrs smoking and selection in last column-- intersection in middle column will give appropriate probability.
Convert probability to odds and multiply by
  • 0.95 to determine the odds of at least moderate disease
  • 0.35 to determine the odds of at least severe disease

Peak expiratory flow is not necessary to making the Diagnosis of COPD at the bedside.

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Question 2: Can the diagnosis of moderate COPD be made on clinical basis alone?

Clinical Component LR+ Sensitivity Specificity Accuracy ROC+
History* Infinite .40 1.00 90% 0.80
History plus Breathsounds** 38 (22.5-Infinite) .67 .98z 93% 0.88
History, Breathsounds & Flowmeter < 200L/min 16.9 (13.8-22.1) .77 .95 92% 0.90
*History of chronic bronchitis or emphysema, smoked 70 or more pack-years
**FEV1, 60% predicted or FEV1/FVC <.6
+area under ROC curve

Adapted from Badget, RG, et al.

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