Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

University of Idaho


Lee Vierling
Associate Dean of Research
College of Natural Resources
CNR Building, Room 202
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive, MS 1142
Moscow, ID 83844-1142


Sarah Martonick
Director, Office of Sponsored Programs
University of Idaho
875 Perimeter Drive, MS 3020
Moscow, ID 83844-3020
Phone: (208) 885-6651

Key Research, Technical Assistance, and Education Strengths

  • Graduate degree programs in fisheries ecology and management, forest ecology and management, forest products harvesting and utilization, range ecology and management, resource recreation and tourism, and wildlife ecology and management
    • Expertise in aquatic and fisheries ecology, aquaculture, avian ecology, riparian ecology, wildlife population ecology, molecular genetics and tree improvement, conservation biology, nursery technology and forest regeneration, entomology and pathology, silviculture, fire ecology, growth and yield modeling, grazing management and rangeland ecology, animal and forest nutrition, ecophysiology, landscape ecology, remote sensing, wood science and marketing, environmental law, natural resource communications, forest sociology, and rural community dynamics
    • College research programs and facilities, including the Wilderness Research Center, the Landscape Dynamics Laboratory, the Molecular Genetics Laboratory, the Remote Sensing Laboratory, the Policy Analysis Group, the Forest Research Nursery and Vegetative Propagation Center, the Experimental Forest and the Wilderness Field Station
    • Collaborating research programs and facilities, including the Aquaculture Research Institute, Idaho Water Resources Research Institute, Environmental Biotechnology Institute, Martin Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution, Forestry Science Laboratory of the Rocky Mountain Research Station, and USDA-ARS Watershed Research Laboratory
    • Outreach, extension, and technical assistance through programs involving Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Cooperative Park Studies Units, Idaho Geological Survey, Inland Empire Tree Improvement Cooperative, Intermountain Forest Tree Nutrition Cooperative, Cooperative Extension Service, and Rocky Mountain and Pacific Northwest Ecosystem Studies Unit.

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University of Idaho College of Natural Resources