The Dan Lev Award

The Dan Lev Award goes to the student who wrote the best overall honors thesis. A committee of three faculty consider the originality, the quality of the research, methods, and writing, as well as the overall contribution of each thesis. The winner receives a check for $200 and their name engraved on a plaque along with past winners.

2004: Tessa Capeloto

"Assessing the Instrumental Value of Assassination as a Means to Combat Terror: The Israeli Experience"

Advised By: Professor Jonathan Mercer

2003: Sean Kellogg

"Government Procurement in the Digital Era: Rethinking Property Rights Driven Innovation"

Advised By: Professor John Wilkerson

2002: Susan Landes

"The Problem of the Ability-Line"

Advised By: Professor Jamie Mayerfeld

2001: Jeffrey Roberson (co-winner)

"Incremental removal of sanctions: two case studies in increased effectiveness of sanctions,"

Advised By: Professor Jonathan Mercer

2001: Lael Weiss (co-winner)

"Remembering Forgetfulness: An aesthetic re-reading of democratic politics"

Advised By: Professor Mika Lavaque-Manty

2000: Erik Mobrand

"Foreign Aid and Embedded Liberalism: the case of US aid to Russia"

Advised By: Professor Stephen Hanson

1999: Aram Adam Meade

"The Post Authorities Dilemma: Can Nascent Democracies Find Justice For Past Political Crimes"

Advised By: Professor Dan Lev