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Youth Quality of Life-Weight (YQOL-W)

The YQOL-W assesses the Quality of Life of youth with weight conditions.
YQOL-Weight Module (YQOL-W): A 21-item measure designed to assess the Quality of Life of youth of all weights.

The SeaQoL Group
University of Washington
Research & Intervention Studies
Obesity, Overweight
Youth, 11-18 years of age
Type of Instrument
Quality of Life
Mode of Administration
Time recall
Present day
Number of Items
21 items

The Research Version (YQOL-W) consists of 21 perceptual (known only to the individual) items. The initial validation of the instrument was done with adolescents ages 11-18. It showed good psychometric properties and was sensitive to adolescent concerns. The instrument was designed using ground theory and assesses the following 3 domains associated with quality of life:

  • Self: Pertains to the adolescents feelings about him or herself.
  • Relationship: Pertains to the adolescents relations with others.
  • Environment: Pertains to opportunities and obstacles in the adolescents broader social and cultural milieu.

List of Existing Translations:
  • YQOL-W is available in English (US), Spanish (Mexico), and Mandarin (China).

Validation Reference(s):

1. Patrick DL, Skalicky AM, Edwards TC, Kuniyuki A, Morales LS, Leng M, Kirschenbaum DS. (2011). Weight loss and changes in generic and weight-specific quality of life in obese adolescents. Quality of Life Research, 20(6), 961-968.

2. Morales LS, Edwards TC, Flores Y, Barr L, Patrick DL. (2011). Measurement properties of a multicultural weight-specific quality-of-life instrument for children and adolescents. Quality of Life Research, 20(2), 215-224.

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