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Reports & Tables

This page contains a selection of reports and tables that have resulted from recent SeaQoL projects.


Technical report on YQOL-W study results and item reduction, factor loadings, and other information from the publication listed below: Overweight Youth & Quality of Life Technical Report.

Technical report on YQOL-DHH study results and item reduction, factor loadings, and other information from the publication listed below: Quality of Life of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Youth, Technical Report.

Technical report on item reduction, factor loadings, and other information on principal component analyses from the publication listed below: Obesity and Weight Loss Technical Report.

  • Patrick, D.L., Bushnell, D.M., & amp; Rothman, M.R. (2004). Performance of two self report measures for evaluating obesity and weight loss. Obesity Research, 12(1), 48-57.

Report on disability and nutrition from the 1998 BRFS disability survey; reference listed below: Disability and Nutrition Report.

  • Topolski, T.D. (1998). Five a day: vegetable and fruit intake among persons with a disability. Using data from the 1998 BRFS disability survey.


Expanded table of U.S. child and youth self-report surveys from the publication listed below: U.S. Child and Youth Self-Report Surveys.

  • Topolski, T.D., Edwards, T.C., Patrick, D.L. (2004). Toward youth self-report of health and quality of life in population monitoring. Journal of Ambulatory Pediatrics, 4(4), 387-394.