Division of Nuclear Medicine

Photon History Files

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  1. Overview

  2. Default file format

  3. Configuring history file creation
         3.1 Activating history file creation
         3.2 Customizing history files
         3.3 Customized file format
         3.4 Parameter type definitions for history parameter files

  4. Example history parameter files



Photon history files contain records for each photon accepted by the module creating the history file. These files may be created for all photons which reach the target cylinder (PHG Module), all photons which leave the collimator (Collimator Module), all photons which are accepted by the detector (Detector Module), and all photons which are accepted by the Binning Module.


Default file format


Records in the default history file format contain an extensive list of photon parameter values. The ordering of the records is a repeating list of a decay record followed by one photon record for each decay which produces an acceptable photon (two photons for PET). Note, when forced detection is used each decay may produce more than one photon. For PET simulations we arbitrarily label the first photon produced by a decay blue and the second pink. Singles are not produced in PET, two photons must be accepted as a coincidence pair. When forced detection is used, a decay may produce more than one blue (or pink photon if PET):

Decay Blue Photon [Blue Photon ...] Pink Photon [Pink Photon ... ] Decay ...

Hence, at the beginning of each record in the history file is a flag-byte which indicates if the following record is a decay, a blue photon, or a pink photon. Processing the history file requires reading a flag byte to determine what type of record follows and then reading the appropriate amount of data. A skeleton program named PhgBin (bin.phg.c) is provided for processing default history files. Refer to the Utilities page and the Binning page for more information about using this program.


The history files and the histogram files share the same header, and the header format remains the same whether or not the history file has been created using a customized parameters file. The header is a binary component with size equal to 32768 bytes. The header is explained in detail in the Header page. Basically all of the parameters that are used to specify the simulation are retained in the header as well as a few run-time statistics. There are utilities available for displaying the header (DisplayHeader, print.header.c).

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Configuring history file creation

Activating history file creation

Each module of the SimSET software package can create a history file, this includes the PHG, the Collimator, the Detector, and the Binning modules. In each case the photon records for photons which "pass" through that module are written to the respective history files. To activate history file creation from any of these modules, set the parameter 'history_file' in the relevant parameters file to the name of the history file you wish to create. History files in default format will then by written to the file names you specify.

WARNING: If more than one history file is to be created in a given simulation run, ensure that they have unique names.


Customizing history files

Customization of history files was introduced in SimSET release 2.5. Customization allows the user to specify which parameters of a photon are recorded in the history file. To activate history file customization, create (or copy) a new history parameters file and set the parameter 'history_params_file' in the parameters file of the relevant module to it's path. Example history parameters files may be found below.

The history parameters file used to specify which parameters are written to the history file is similar to all other parameter files used by SimSET software. It is an ascii text file consisting of entries of the following format:

DATA_TYPE parameter_name = value

For example,

BOOL scatters_in_collimator = TRUE

In addition to specifying individual parameters, the user may optionally also specify an acceptance range for most parameters. This allows the filtering of photons according to a user-specified range. For example:

INT col_scatters_min =


INT col_scatters_max =


Parameters may be excluded from the history file by either setting their relevant boolean values to FALSE, or by simply omitting them from the parameter file.


Customized file format

The 32768-byte header format remains the same whether or not customization is used. However, in the body the records will vary depending on which parameter the user selects to have written to the file. As a result, the default body format described in the file format section above is lost, and post-processing the history file using the PhgBin utility (see the Binning page) is no longer possible. This is not considered a particular disadvantage though, as the user will only be customizing history files if s/he is also creating custom processing software to analyze them.

To calculate the record lengths in a customized history file, note that all parameters of type REAL are double precision, eight-byte values. All parameters of type INT are four-byte integer values.

For SPECT, each record starts with a single character containing the number of photons in the record. For each photon, the parameters specified in the history parameters file are then written to the record in the order shown in the parameter type table below. There is no padding between the fields or records.

Note: photons which are processed but not written (which will happen if they fall outside the parameter limits set in the history_params_file) are also recorded in the custom history file - in this case the record simply consists of a single character of value zero.

For PET, each record starts with a single character containing the number of coincidence pairs in the record. Data for all the blue photons are written first, followed by data for all the pink photons. Again, for each decay, the parameters specified in the history parameters file are written to the record in the order shown in the parameter type table below, and there is no padding between fields or records. The same rule about rejected photons also applies to PET data - that is, the first character in a record may be zero, in which case the record immediately terminates and the next record will start at the next byte


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Parameter type definitions for history parameter files


Parameter name Units Data type
Decay information
decay_x_position . BOOL
     decay_x_pos_min cm REAL
     decay_x_pos_max cm REAL
decay_y_position . BOOL
     decay_y_pos_min cm REAL
     decay_y_pos_max cm REAL
decay_z_position . BOOL
     decay_z_pos_min cm REAL
     decay_z_pos_max cm REAL
decay_time . BOOL
decay_type . BOOL
Importance sampling info:
decay_weight . BOOL
weight . BOOL
Photon position and direction at the end of module processing (e.g., at the end of the collimator module for a collimator history file):
x_position . BOOL
     x_pos_min cm REAL
     x_pos_max cm REAL
y_position . BOOL
     y_pos_min cm REAL
     y_pos_max cm REAL
z_position . BOOL
     z_pos_min cm REAL
     z_pos_max cm REAL
x_cosine . BOOL
     x_cos_min . REAL
     x_cos_max . REAL
y_cosine . BOOL
     y_cos_min . REAL
     y_cos_max . REAL
z_cosine . BOOL
     z_cos_min . REAL
     z_cos_max . REAL
Photon scatter info:
scatters_in_object . BOOL
     obj_scatters_min . INT
     obj_scatters_max . INT
scatters_in_collimator . BOOL
     col_scatters_min . INT
     col_scatters_max . INT
Photon energy info:
energy . BOOL
The detector module will record the enrgy deposited here - all other modules will record the energy of the photon as it leaves.
     energy_min keV REAL
     energy_max keV REAL
Photon path info:
travel_distance . BOOL
This is the cumulative distance the photon has travelled from decay to final destination
     travel_distance_min cm REAL
     travel_distance_max cm REAL
LOR position:
transaxial_distance . BOOL
     transaxial_distance_min cm REAL
     transaxial_distance_max cm REAL
azimuthal_angle_index . BOOL
     aa_index_min INT
     aa_index_max INT
axial_position . BOOL
     axial_position_min cm REAL
     axial_position_max cm REAL
Interaction position in detector coordinates (flat detectors only):
detector_x_position . BOOL
     detector_x_position_min cm REAL
     detector_x_position_max cm REAL
detector_y_position . BOOL
     detector_y_position_min cm REAL
     detector_y_position_max cm REAL
detector_z_position . BOOL
     detector_z_position_min cm REAL
     detector_z_position_max cm REAL
Position of detector at interaction (flat detectors only):
detector_angle . BOOL
     detector_angle_min degrees REAL
     detector_angle_max degrees REAL
Detector interaction info:
num_detector_interactions . BOOL
     num_detector_interactions_min . INT
     num_detector_interactions_max . INT
det_interaction_positions . BOOL
Detector crystal number (block detectors only):
detector_crystal . BOOL

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Example history parameters files


  1. Example 1. Simple custom history file - creates a history file with records containing three values representing the cartesian coordinates of each photon accepted by the module creating the history file. Only photons whose axial position falls within the central 10 cm of the FOV (+/- 5cm from tomograph 0-point) are accepted.

  2. Example 2. Template file - contains all possible history file options. Copy to your working directory and edit.



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Last revised by: Robert Harrison
Revision date: 06 Mar 2009