Teen Health and the Media
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The What's Up? Teen Health Fact Sheets
These fact sheets, developed by the Child and Adolescent Health Section of the Washington State Department of Health, contain information for adults who care about teens. The series of 16 fact sheets can be downloaded or ordered for free.


Center for Media Literacy
Violence in the Media: A special-topic area of the Center for Media Literacy's website.

Common Sense About Kids and Guns
A site dedicated to protecting children from guns.

Constitutional Rights Foundation
Lessons and resources on topics of school violence.

The Future of Children
The Future of Children's Spring and Summer 2002 Newsletter: Children, Youth and Gun Violence provides facts and research articles about gun violence.

In the Mix - Dating Violence: Twisted Love
"Twisted Love: Dating Violence Exposed" is regularly re-broadcast on PBS affiliates across the country.

Dr. Jean Kilbourne: Media Researcher and Lecturer
Dr. Kilbourne explores the relationship of media images to societal problems, such as violence, the sexual abuse of children, rape and sexual harassment, pornography and censorship, teenage pregnancy, addiction, and eating disorders. She also educates her audiences about the primary purpose of the mass media, which is to deliver audiences to advertisers.

A public awareness program about the importance of the safe storage of firearms.

Media Education Foundation
The Media Education Foundation produces and distributes video documentaries to encourage critical thinking and debate about the relationship between media ownership, commercial media content, and the democratic demand for free flows of information, diverse representations of ideas and people, and informed citizen participation.

Mothers Against Violence in America
What games do your children play? Become a video smart parent. Produced by the Washington State Department of Health in collaboration with Mothers Against Violence In America.

National Campaign Against Youth Violence
Prevention tips and training to reduce violence by and against youth.

National Center for Injury Prevention and Control
Youth violence statistics from the CDC.

National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center
A wealth of information on youth violence prevention.

Pacific Center for Violence Prevention
A project of the "Trauma Foundation" that works to prevent youth violence in California.

Safeguarding our Children: An Action Guide (pdf)
A collaborative effort of the Department of Education and Department of Justice.

Warning Signs of Violence
A site from MTV and the American Psychological Association with a violence prevention guide for youth.

Youth Alive!
Youth Alive is a group that presents workshops aimed at preventing youth violence and generating youth leadership in California communities.

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