

1) Be prepared to work.
2) Think of yourselves as college bound and act accordingly.
3) No talking when the instructor is talking.
4) Do all assignments to the best of your ability.
5) Be present at every class.
6) Use appropriate language and behavior at all times.


10%  Participation
15%  In-class assignments
15%  Group presentations
15%  Response writes
20%  Quizzes and final exams
25%  Research projects


WEEK 1 & 2
Introduction: College Search / Intro to Research
Response - Write # 1
Test Prep: Basics, answer plug-in, and estimation, Quiz # 1

WEEK 3 & 4
Lab Activities: College Prep / Career Prep
Start PowerPoint
Test Prep: Complex algebra and number crunching

WEEK 5 & 6
Lab Activities: Registration SAT
SAT Registration, SP page 1
Test Prep: Geometry, including quadrilaterals and other polygons
Research Sharing Senior Project

WEEK 7 & 8
Lab Activities: PowerPoint Career Research
Vocabulary Building; Roots, Prefixes & Suffices
Intro to SAT / Sentence Completions # 1
Quiz # 1 & 2, Test Prep: Diagonistic Test

WEEK 9 & 10
Lab Activities: PowerPoint SP Research
Sentence Completions # 2, Writing # 1
Quiz # 3 & 4, Test Prep: premutations operations and factoring polynomials

WEEK 11 & 12
Lab Activities: PowerPoint / SR Project Research
Basics of Essay Writing, Reading # 1, SP page 2
Quiz 5 & 6, Test Prep: Basic number theory, sets and patterns, Quiz # 6

WEEK 13 & 14
Lab Activities: PowerPoint / SP Research
Readings # 2 & Review, SP page 3
Quiz 7 & 8, Test Prep: Answer plug-in, and estimation, Quiz # 7

WEEK 15 & 16
Lab Activities: PowerPoint / SP Research
Writing Forms & Constructions, SP page 4
Quiz 9 & 10, Test Prep: Scientific Tables, Final Exam

WEEK 17 & 18
Lab Activities: SP page 5
SP Rough Drafts, PowerPoint Presentations Due
FINAL Quiz, Test Prep: Diagnostic Test, In-Class exercises

WEEK 19 & 20
ACT Prep, SP Finals Due
College Applications-Cultural Essay