b'Partner Spotlight: Te Whare Wnanga o AwanuirangiTe Whare Wnanga o Awanuirangi, a Maori university in New Zealand, is one of our international partners. Drs. Jutta Heller and Jane Compson (both in SIAS) were able to visit in February 2019 to connect with com-munity elders, the Chief Executive Wiremu Doherty, the Director of the Nursing School, and faculty members. Since then, Dr. Heller proposed a multi-day laboratory experience for pre-college Maori students interested in healthcare, and Dr. Compson is in communication with a faculty member for an online course to help prevent burnout among nursing students. If youre interested in establishing a collaboration with a university abroad, please reach out to us! Sister Cities Initiative The Office of Global Affairs extends sincere thanks to Gonzalo Delgadillo and other members of Tacomas Boca del Rio Sister City Committee for their hard work in con-necting UW Tacoma with Universidad Veracruzana and Universidad Cristbal Coln. Through partnerships with these two universities, we are working to expand global learning opportunities for our students and faculty, including COIL classes and student and faculty exchanges. We hope to use this initiative as a model for partnerships with universities in other Tacoma sister cities in the future. Global Classroom: Video Chat with Vietnam The UW Tacoma COIL Fellows program supports faculty in linking our university courses with classes in different countries through a variety of real-time and asynchronous tech-nologies. Senior Lecturer Ellen Moore participated in the program and partnered with faculty at two higher-ed institutions in VietnamHu University College of Law and Nha Trang Universityto develop a collaborative course that addresses environmental issues, spe-cifically plastic pollution in water. If you are curious what students in the course had to say about the experience, take a look at the Global Classroom: Video Chat with Vietnam article. Two students from Dr. Moores class will also be presenting during the 2019 International Virtual Exchange Conference held at UW Tacoma this October.[The Office of Global Affairs] stresses the importance of the skills gained . and [the staff] work hard to make sure that you understand how to incorporate those skills in other areas of your life. I always feel sup-ported by this office. - 2018 fellowship applicant'