b'NOTE FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR As I reflect on the 2018-19 Academic Year, I find myself once again deeply grateful for the hard work, passion, and commitment that my colleagues in the Office of Global Affairs (OGA) exhibit as they work with students, faculty, staff, and administra-tors across campus and our partners here in Tacoma and around the world. As you will see in this report, OGAs service reaches across nearly all aspects of the campus. From direct student services to supporting faculty, staff and administrators, to facilitating international partnerships for research and teaching, OGA strives to provide exceptional services and transformative learning opportunities. In addition to reading the data presented in this report, I invite you to take time to read the stories of members of our campus community who have joined in the effort to make UW Tacoma a global campus. We are so very proud of their successes and happy to be able tofacilitate those successes as the Office of Global Affairs. If you find their stories as inspiring as we do, dont hesitate to reach out to me or my OGA colleagues to learn more about how we can support your work. If you would like to support our innovative global learning programs, help us offer student scholarships for study abroad, support our international students, or contribute to international research collaborations, please consider donating to the UW Tacoma Office of Global Affairs Fund. Jeff W. Cohen2018-19 BY THE NUMBERSIf you are considering studying abroad and the 265 international students from 27 different countries were enrolled at UWfear of the unknown is Tacoma (Autumn 2019). holding you back, I can 155 UW Tacoma students participated in study abroad/away programs be- confidently say it is so tween early fall 2018 and summer 2019.worth doing. You may have 142 international alumni were engaged in Optional Practical Training in thea few awkward or uncom-U.S. (Autumn 2019). fortable moments but the 89 students and alumni submitted applications to competitive fellowships.personal growth, cultural 32 students participated in our informal Korean lessons. awareness, and overallappreciation of differences 21 students attended our informal Arabic lessons.will be an incredible (and 18 students and alumni were awarded fellowships.FUN!!) learning experi-ence.10 students participated in our Global Ambassadors Program.- Georgia Riffle, 8 J-1 Exchange Visitors and 2 J-2 dependents came to UW Tacoma. 2019 study abroad student7 faculty members from 4 different academic units participated in our sec-ond COIL Fellows cohort.'