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West Coast Poverty Center

Experts on Poverty & Policy


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Asset building 

Sample topics: asset building policy, marginal tax rates, household banking practices, payday lending

Alexes Harris, Marieka Klawitter, Jennifer Romich

Crime and Criminal Justice

Sample topics: juvenile justice, prisoner re-entry, racial and ethnic patterns of incarceration 

Bob Crutchfield, Alexes Harris, Becky Pettit 


Sample topics: affirmative action, immigrant access, Latinos and higher education 

Frances Contreras, Roberto Gonzales, Charles Hirschman, Mark Long 


Sample topics: effects of low-income on families, poverty and childhood development, child care, child support policies, domestic violence and economic insecurity 

Taryn Lindhorst, Marcia Meyers, Robert Plotnick, Jennifer Romich

Health care 

Sample topics: public health care funding , health disparities, health care access issues

Gunnar Almgren

Human Geography

Sample topics: public housing, tolling and the poor, rural-urban poverty dynamics

Rachel Kleit, Victoria Lawson 

Tax policy

Sample topics: EITC, marginal tax rates and low-income work

Crystal Hall, Jennifer Romich, Robert Plotnick

Welfare / welfare reform 

Sample topics: TANF sanctions, effects on child rearing, effects on childhood education

Marieka Klawitter, Marcia Meyers, Robert Plotnick


Sample topics: demographics, social mobility, immigration

Mark Ellis, Robert Plotnick

Sample topics: wages and benefits, unions, work-life balance issues, discrimination 

James Gregory, Marieka Klawitter, Becky Pettit, Jake Rosenfeld