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West Coast Poverty Center

WCPC Mini-Grant Program


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Note: The 2020 mini-grants have been awarded. Information about future rounds will be posted here.

The West Coast Poverty Center (WCPC) provides occasional mini-grants to support research collaborations between WCPC scholars and local non-profits on topics related to poverty, social policy, and individual or family financial well-being, broadly construed. These awards of up to $12,000 (plus a stipend for the nonprofit partner agency) are intended to support pilot studies, initial data analyses, and/or the development of applications for larger sources of funding. 

Recent mini-grant funding has been provided through the generous support of the Seattle Foundation. The most recent round of grants awarded priority to applications that include a Communities of Opportunity Systems and Policy Change grantee organization, but a partnership with a Communities of Opportunity Systems Change grantee was not a requirement.

Projects we have funded in recent rounds included:

  • Crystal Hall (Evans School of Public Policy and Governance) and a team that includes FareStart and Catalyst Kitchens studied the impacts of service charges on the incomes and experiences of restaurant workers.
  • Karin Martin (Evans School of Public Policy and Governance) worked with Sound Outreach to study the impacts of criminal justice debt in Pierce County and explore potential interventions to address it.

Questions? Please contact us at or (206)685-7727.