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West Coast Poverty Center



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Poverty Research Flash

The WCPC's Poverty Research Flash series disseminates summaries of recent poverty-relevant research by Center Faculty Affiliates, grantees, and others associated with the WCPC community. We occasionally also post interviews with authors about how they became interested in the research topic, the most significant findings in the study, and implications for further research and policy.

WCPC DIALOGUES on Research and Policy

One of the greatest challenges for an academically-based, applied research center is the translation of scholarship to practice. To address this challenge, the Center launched an innovative project, Dialogues on Research and Poverty, designed to bridge the goals of generating new knowledge, supporting the next generation of scholars, and reaching out to policymakers. The Dialogue brings researchers, graduate students and policy practitioners together in the commission of an original research paper and brings the scholar into dialogue with practitioners for the unusual opportunity to shape both the questions to be addressed and the interpretation of results. Read the Dialogues.