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West Coast Poverty Center

Poverty Research Flash


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flash pageThe WCPC's Poverty Research Flash series disseminates summaries of recent poverty-relevant research by Center Faculty Affiliates, grantees, and others associated with the WCPC community. We occasionally also post interviews with authors about how they became interested in the research topic, the most significant findings in the study, and implications for further research and policy.


Issue 2016.02 (PDF)A Pound of Flesh: Monetary Sanctions as Punishment for the Poor  by Alexes Harris

Issue 2016.01 (PDF)Perverse Politics: The Persistence of Mass Imprisonment in the Twenty-first Century by Rebecca Thorpe


Issue 2015.05 (PDF)Intra-year Household Income Dynamics and Adolescent School Behavior by Lisa Gennetian, Heather Hill, Pamela Morris, and Sharon Wolf

Issue 2015.04 (PDF)Racial Inequalities in Connectedness to Imprisoned Individuals in the United States by Lee, Hedwig, Tyler McCormick, Margaret T. Hicken, and Christopher Wildman

Issue 2015.03 (PDF)Increasing Child Support Collections from the Hard-to-Collect: Experimental Evidence from Washington State by Robert Plotnick, Asaph Glosser, M. Kathleen Moore, and Emmi Obara

Issue 2015.02 (PDF)Jezebel at the Welfare Office: How Racialized Stereotypes of Poor Women’s Reproductive Decisions and Relationships Shape Policy Implementation by Tatiana Masters, Taryn Lindhorst, and Marcia Meyers

Issue 2015:01 (PDF) Get a Job: Labor Markets, Economic Opportunity, and Crime by Robert Crutchfield


Issue 2014:05 (PDF)Doing What's Right for the Baby: Parental Responses and Custodial Grandmothers' Institutional Decision-Making by LaShawnDa Pittman

Issue 2014:04 (PDF)Longitudinal Associations between Poverty and Obesity from Birth through Adolescence by Hedwig Lee, Megan Andrew, Achamyeleh Gebremariam, Julie C. Lumeng, and Joyce M. Lee

Issue 2014:03 (PDF)Self-Affirmation Among the Poor: Cognitive and Behavioral Implications by Crystal C. Hall, Jiaying Zhao, and Eldar Shafir

Issue 2014:02 (PDF)Refugees and Public Housing Redevelopment by Rachel G. Kleit and Lynne C. Manzo

Issue 2014-01: (PDF)What Unions No Longer Do By Jake Rosenfeld


Issue 2013-01: (PDF)Savings and Personal Discount Rates in a Matched Savings Program for Low-Income Families By Marieka M. Klawitter, C. Leigh Anderson, and Mary Kay Gugerty


Issue 2012-05: (PDF)Shared Skills: Occupation Clusters for Poverty Alleviation and Economic Development in the U.S. By Colleen Chrisinger, Christopher S. Fowler, and Rachel G. Kleit 

Issue 2012-04: (PDF)Effects of High School Course-Taking on Secondary and Postsecondary Success By Mark Long, Dylan Conger and Patrice Iatarola.

Issue 2012-03: (PDF)Neighborhood Poverty and Nonmarital Fertility: Spatial and Temporal Dimensions By Kyle Crowder and Scott J. South.

Issue 2012-02: (PDF)The Safety-Net Health Care System: Health Care at the Margins By Gunnar Almgren and Taryn Lindhorst.

Issue 2012-01: (PDF)The 9th Grade Shock and the High School Dropout Crisis By Nikolas Pharris-Ciurej, Charles Hirschman, and Joseph Willhoft.


Issue 2011-08: (PDF)Who is Banked in Low Income Families? The Effects of Gender and Bargaining Power By Marieka Klawitter and Diana Fletschner.

Issue 2011-07: (PDF)Minorities on the Margins? The Spatial Organization of Fringe Banking Services By Rachel Kleit.

Issue 2011-06: (PDF)Alleviating Poverty: How Far Have We Come? By Robert Plotnick.

Issue 2011-05: (PDF)Do higher minimum wages reduce access to health insurance among low-skilled workers? By Kelly McCarrier, Frederick J. Zimmerman, James D. Ralston, and Diane P. Martin.

Issue 2011-04: (PDF)Does tolling place a greater burden on low-income drivers? By Robert D. Plotnick, Jennifer Romich, Matthew Dunbar and Jennifer Thacker.

Issue 2011-03: (PDF)Did immigration enforcement activity reduce participation in public assistance programs? By Tara Watson.

Issue 2011-02: (PDF)Why do some undocumented immigrant students fall through the cracks? By Roberto Gonzales.Flash Interview with Roberto Gonzales about his research on undocumented immigrant student's experience in secondary and post-secondary institutions

Issue 2011-01: (PDF)Motherhood and Criminal Desistance in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods. By Ross Matsueda.Flash Interview with Ross Matsueda about his research on whether motherhood is associated with a reduction in delinquent behaviors among low-income women


Issue 2010-05: (PDF)A Meta-Analysis of Depression During Pregnancy and the Risk of Preterm Birth, Low Birth Weight, and Intrauterine Growth Restriction. By Nancy K. Grote, Jeffrey A. Bridge, Amelia R. Gavin, Jennifer L. Melville, Satish Iyengar, and Wayne J. Katon.Seminar with Nancy Grote and Amelia Gavin about their research on depression during pregnancy and adverse birth outcomes

Issue 2010-04: (PDF)Economic Determinants of Voting in an Era of Union Decline. By Jake Rosenfeld.Flash Interview with Jake Rosenfeld about his research on the interaction between union decline and economic indicators

Issue 2010-03: (PDF)Drawing Blood from Stones: Legal Debt and Social Inequality in the Contemporary United States. By Alexes Harris, Heather D. Evans, and Katherine Beckett.Flash Interview with Alexes Harris about her Research on Monetary Sanctions and Legal Debt in the Penal System

Issue 2010-02: (PDF)Policy Transparency and College Enrollment: Did the Texas Top Ten Percent Law Broaden Access to the Public Flagships? By Mark C. Long, Victor Saenz, and Marta Tienda.Flash Interview with Mark Long about his Research on Policy Transparency and College Enrollment

Issue 2010-01: (PDF)Frontline Worker Responses to Domestic Violence Disclosure in Public Welfare Offices. By Taryn Lindhorst, Erin Casey, and Marcia Meyers.Flash Interview with Taryn Lindhorst about her work on how welfare caseworkers respond to clients' disclosures of domestic violence


Issue 2009-10: (PDF)Enumerating Inequality:  The Constitution, The Census Bureau, and the Criminal Justice System.  By Becky Pettit. Flash Interview with Becky Pettit about her work on how and why the Prison Population is Often Undercounted

Issue 2009-09:(PDF)Building Economies from the Bottom Up:  (Mis)representations of Poverty in the Rural American Northwest.  By Victoria Lawson, Lucy Jarosz, and Anne Bonds.

Issue 2009-07/08: (PDF)Old Assumptions, New Realities:  Economic Security for 21st Century Working Families.  This special summer issue includes research by Jacob Hacker, Jodi Sandfort, Paul Osterman, Michael Stoll, and Michael Sherraden.

Issue 2009-06: (PDF)Waiting Tables in Two Chains and States:  Investigating Front-Line Job Quality across Organazitions and Policy Contexts.  By Anna Haley-Lock and Stephanie Ewert.

Issue 2009-05: (PDF)The Effects of University Affirmative Action Policies on the Human Capitol Development of Minority Children:  Do Expectations Matter?  By Ronald Caldwell Jr.

Issue 2009-04: (PDF) Food Insufficiency, Food Stamp Participation, and Mental Health.  By Colleen Heflin and James P. Ziliak.

Issue 2009-03: (PDF)Influences of Gender, Race, Ethnicity, and Social Capital on the Subjective Health of Adolescents. By Gunnar Almgren.

Issue 2009-02: (PDF)Poverty, Legal Status, and Pay Basis in U.S. Agriculture. By Anita Alves Pena

Issue 2009-01: (PDF)Subsidized Housing and Household Hardship Among Low-Income Single-Mother Households. By Lawrence M. Berger, Theresa Heintze, Wendy B. Naidich, and Marcia K. Meyers


Issue 2008-13: (PDF)Place, Scale, and the Racial Claims Made for Multicultural Children in the 1990 U.S. Census.  By Steven R. Holloway, Richard Wright, Mark Ellis, and Margaret East. Spotlight: An Interview with Mark Ellis on his Work, "Place, Scale, and the Racial Claims made for Multiracial Children in the 1990 U.S. Census"

Issue 12: (PDF)Out of Reach:  Place, Poverty, and the New American Welfare State.  By Scott W. Allard Spotlight: An Interview with Scott Allard on his Work, "Out of Reach: Place, Poverty, and the New American Welfare State

Issue 11: (PDF)Barriers to Employment Among TANF Applicants and Their Consequences for Self-Sufficiency.  By Mark E. Courtney and Amy Dworsky.

Issue 10: (PDF)The Structure of Teenage Employment:  Social Background and the Jobs Held by High School Seniors.  By Charles Hirschman and Irina Voloshin.

Issue 08/09: (PDF):Special Issue on Second Generation Immigrants.  Highlighting work by Alenjandro Portes, William Haller, Patricia Fernandez-Kelly, Paul Jargowosky, Min Zhou, John Logan, Sookhee Oh, and Jennifer Darrah

Issue 07: (PDF) Education's Effect on Poverty:  The Roles of Migration and Labor Markets.  By Bruce Weber, Alexander Marre, Monica Fisher, Robert Gibbs, and John Cromartie. Spotlight: An Interview with Bruce Webber on his work, "Education's Effect on Poverty: The Roles of Migration and Labor Markets"

Issue 06: (PDF)Psychiatric Disorders and Labor Market Outcomes:  Evidence from the National Latino and Asian American Study.  By David Takeuchi, Pinka Chatterji, Margarita Alegeria, and Mingshan Lu Spotlight: An Interview with Pinka Chaterrji on her Work, "Psychiatric Disorders and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from the National Latino and Asian American Study"

Issue 05: (PDF)Accumulating Disadvantage:  The Growth in the Black-White Wage Gap among Women.  By Raine DozierSpotlight: An Interview with Raine Dozier on her Work, "Accumulating Disadvantage: The Growth in the Black-White Wage Gap among Women

Issue 04: (PDF)To Move or Not to Move:  Relationships to Place and Relocation Choices in HOPE VI.  By Rachel Kleit and Lynne Manzo. Spotlight: An Interview with Rachel Kleit and Lynne Manzo on their Work, "To Move or not to Move: Relationships to Place and Relocation Choices in Hope IV"

Issue 03: (PDF)Redlining or Risk:  A Spatial Analysis of Auto Insurance Rates in Los Angeles.  By Paul M. Ong and Michael Stoll Spotlight: An Interview with Michael Stoll on his Work, "Redlining or Risk: A Spatial Analysis of Auto Insurance Rates in Los Angeles"

Issue 02: (PDF)Domestic Violence, Employment, and Welfare Outcomes.  By Taryn Lindhorst, Monica Oxford, and Mary Rogers Gillmore. Spotlight: An Interview with Taryn Lindhorst on her Work, "Longitudinal Effects of Domestic Violence on Employment and Welfare Outcomes"

Issue 01: (PDF)Child Care:  Who Gets What from the Government?  By Alesha Durfee and Marcia K. Meyers


Issue 03: (PDF)The Impact of Child Support Enforcement on Nonmarital Childbearing.  By Robert PlotnickSpotlight: An Interview with Robert Plotnick on his Work, "The Impact of Child Support Enforcement on Nonmarital Childbearing"

Issue 02:(PDF)Welfare and Work Requirements:  The Use of Sanctions in Washington State.  By Marieka Klawitter, Taryn Lindhorst, and Marcia K. Meyers

Issue 01: (PDF)When More Work Doesn't Pay.  By Stephen D. Holt and Jennifer L. Romich Spotlight: An Interview with Jennifer Romich on her Work, "When more Work Doesn't Pay: The Impacts of the Loss of Means-Tested Benefits on Discretionary Income for Low and Middle-Income Families"



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