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West Coast Poverty Center

WCPC Advisory Board


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A distinguished and diverse group of faculty serve as members of the Poverty Center’s external Advisory Board, offering additional guidance for the Center’s work from scholars beyond the University of Washington and providing the core of a developing network of west coast poverty researchers. Along with Donald S. Oellerich, Program Officer, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and Sheldon Danziger, Co-Director, National Poverty Center, University of Michigan, board members include:

Henry Brady (Economics and Political Science)

Professor, Department of Political Science and Graduate School of Public Policy, University of California at Berkeley; Director, UC Data/Survey Research CenterSpecializations: Electoral politics; social welfare policy; survey research

Sheldon Danziger (Public Policy)

Professor, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan; Research Professor, Population Studies Center; Director, National Poverty CenterSpecializations: Applied Policy; Labor Markets; Poverty and Social Welfare

Thomas MaCurdy (Economics)

Professor, Department of Economics, Stanford; University Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution; Senior Fellow, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research; Adjunct Fellow, Public Policy Institute of California.Specializations: Labor economics; welfare policy; health economics

Michael Stoll (Urban Studies/Planning)

Associate Professor of Policy Studies, School of Public Policy and Social Research, University of California at Los Angeles; Associate Director, Center for the Study of Urban PovertySpecializations: African Americans in the labor market; race and poverty

Bruce Weber (Economics)

Professor and Extension Economist, Agricultural and Resource Economics, Oregon State UniversitySpecializations: Rural poverty

Min Zhou (Sociology)

Professor, Department of Sociology, University of California at Los Angeles; Professor Founding Chair, Department of Asian American StudiesSpecializations: Immigration; Asian Americans; race and ethnicity