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Lights, Camera, Interaction: Teaching with Video Traces
An Introduction and Workshop
August 5, 2004
Reed Stevens, College of Education
Cara Lane, Department of English
Mike Eisenberg (Disscussant at this meeting)
  Film students interpreting movie clips, crew team members learning proper rowing technique, choreography students reflecting on their compositions, and kids at a science museum wondering about exhibits. What do these groups have in common? They have all used an innovative educational technology developed at the University of Washington. Video Traces is a digital media annotation program that allows users to import video clips and images and annotate them with audio recordings and “gestures.”

The tool has been developed and researched by Dr. Reed Stevens and the Program for Educational Transformation Through Technology (PETTT). During this presentation you will learn about the concept behind Video Traces, receive an overview of the tool, and find out how it has been used at the University of Washington and within the larger Seattle community.

Reed Stevens is an Assistant Professor for the College of Education. Cara Lane is an Acting Professor for the Department of English and a Research Scientist for the Program for Educational Transformation Through Technology. The discussant for this lecture was Mike Eisenberg, Dean of the Information School.

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