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Strategies for Integrating Technology in International Programs: The University Honors Program in Rome
December 4, 2003

This presentation discusses how one university program used online tools to increase opportunities for research and communication for its students studying abroad.
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Distance Education in Russia and at the UW
March 18, 2003

This presentation presents a brief overview of the development of Distance Education with the use of Internet technologies in Russia during the last seven years. A special emphasis is made on the...
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Information-, User-, and Learner-centered Design
July 8, 2002

WebEd looks at the similarities and differences of information-centered, user-centered, and learner-centered design.
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  Pedagogical Lessons Learned Using the Web
April 16, 2002

This discussion will reveal recent strategies, tips, do's and don'ts for putting courses online...
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LEGSIM: Web-Based Legislative Simulation
February 21, 2002

Simulations and role-play have long been considered excellent teaching tools for helping students understand whole complexities, and what could be more complex ...
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Emerging Genres of Learning Technology
November 13, 2001

Dr. Philip Bell, Assistant Professor of Cognition & Technology at the UW College of Education, presents existing and emerging genres of learning technology...
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Reporting results of current research on educational technology.
Demonstrating new and emerging technologies.

Illustrating the art of teaching with technology.

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