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The Nature of Meaning in the Age of Google
March 2, 2004

Google is the dominant web content server of our day. It harvests the content placed in public web space by millions of anonymous, independent web authors. There is a need to establish guidelines to aid the creator...
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Technology Integration and the Redesign of a Film Studies Course
May 1, 2003

By integrating digital technology (web discussion board, email, "UMail," DVD tutorials, learner-centered web sites), learning theory (learning styles, scaffolding, social learning, Bloom's...
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Results from the Student Survey on Educational Technology
April 8, 2003

Be among the first to hear undergraduate and graduate students' thoughts on current and future uses of educational technology, and opinions on campus support and services...
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Electronic Portfolios and Guided Reflection
January 14, 2003

This fall, 3200 incoming students enrolled in the Freshman Interest Group (FIG) program used Catalyst's Portfolio Tool to reflect on their first-quarter experiences. PETTT and Catalyst...
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How Students Want to Learn About Technology
November 13, 2002

When PETTT asked students how they preferred to learn about technology and what they expected their instructors to know about it, the answers were sometimes surprising...
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What Students Think About PowerPoint
October 15, 2002

Ever wonder what your students think about all those PowerPoint slides you are using in class? Now you can find out. This meeting presents students perceptions of PowerPoint...
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EPost: A Web-based Discussion Board Tool
September 17, 2002

WebEd often hears from people who want to use Web-based discussions more effectively. At this meeting, we heard the results of undergraduate focus groups on EPost...
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Results from the Faculty Survey on Instructional Technology
May 16, 2002

Preliminary findings from the Faculty Survey on Instructional Technology 2001 are presented by the UW Office of Educational Assessment. Anne Zald, Information Literacy Coordinator for University Libraries...
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Technology, Students, and Learning in Large Lecture Classes
December 4, 2001

Lisa Coutu and Mark Alway present their paper from the Ninth International Improving Student Learning Symposium in Edinburgh, Scotland, in September, 2001. They discuss their research on how an added technology...
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Reporting results of current research on educational technology.
Demonstrating new and emerging technologies.

Illustrating the art of teaching with technology.

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