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Augmented Reality and Learning: Investigating the Potential of a Unique Technology
November 18, 2003

Students have difficulty learning dynamic spatial relationships with traditional methods such as text and 2D diagrams. Similarly, instructors have grappled with different ways to present 3D content effectively to their students. This presentation focuses on research that begins to explain a possible answer...
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Classroom Presenter: A Tablet PC based presentation system
October 28, 2003

This demonstration/presentation showcases the ongoing work in the Computer Science and Engineering department on developing and deploying Classroom Presenter. Classroom Presenter is a Tablet PC based system to support delivery of presentations and interaction with student devices.
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zBento: Enhancing Teaching, Learning and Research Activities
September 30, 2003

Four years of research in four teaching and learning environments has led to the design of zBento, a powerful and flexible web-based content creation, organization, and maintenance tool. zBento can be used for educational knowledge-building activities as well as traditional content management.
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The Catalyst Portfolio Tool
August 13, 2002

Developers from the Educational Technology Development Group, Educational Partnerships & Learning Technologies, present the Catalyst Portfolio Tool. UW researchers explain how use of the tool will be studied in over 4,000 FIG...
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Video Traces: A video annotation tool
June 6, 2002

Maria Simpson describes how she and her students have used Video Traces in Dance as a tool to evaluate and revise compositions...
Sergio Palleroni tells how students in the School of Architecture's...
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The Catalyst Initiative
March 21, 2002

Mark Farrelly presents the latest advances in the Catalyst Initiative, including the emergence of new Web tools and resources directly from partnerships with UW assessment and instructional units...
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Knowledge-building Communities in Health Information
January 17, 2002

The Arthritis Source is a Web-based information resource created to help self-motivated, geographically dispersed learners ("learners at large") gain access to information about arthritis. The system was developed to support the...
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Reporting results of current research on educational technology.
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