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About Sea Grant

For more than 40 years, Washington Sea Grant (WSG) and Oregon Sea Grant (OSG) have served their respective states, the Pacific Northwest and the nation by funding marine research and working with communities, managers, businesses and the public to strengthen understanding and sustainable use of ocean and coastal resources. Based at the University of Washington and Oregon State University, WSG and OSG are part of a national network of 32 Sea Grant college programs located in every coastal and Great Lakes state and in Puerto Rico. The Sea Grant program is administered by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and funded through federal-state partnerships.

The National Sea Grant program’s Sustainable Coastal Development focus area identified a number of goals: healthy coastal economies that include working waterfronts; and coastal citizens, community leaders, and industries that recognize the complex inter-relationships between social economic and environmental values in coastal areas and work together to balance multiple uses and optimize environmental sustainability.

Integral to these goals for success is providing coastal communities with relevant policy and scientific information to develop new tools, techniques and strategies that can be incorporated into planning and economic development efforts, and providing resources to engage in local planning and capacity-building necessary to protect or redevelop working waterfronts.

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