
Global Maritime Forum Final Report (2016)

CoSSaR hosted the NMIO-Sponsored 2016 Global Maritime Forum at the UW-Seattle campus. This event engaged individuals from academia, industry and government to collaborate on current issues faced by the Global Maritime Community of Interest (GMCOI).


Considering Practitioner-Driven Innovations: Accommodating Information Systems Within Successful Humanitarian Work (2016)

This paper offers an in-depth analysis of how technology emerged in stories of success from interviews with Red Cross/Red Crescent (RCRC) humanitarian aid workers named for doing good work. Our findings reveal that in these contexts, technology exists, for the practitioners, much like a language—diverse according to environment, culture and skill.


National Maritime Intelligence-Integration Office (NMIO) Technical Bulletin (2016)

In this issue of the National Maritime IntelligenceIntegration Office’s Technical Bulletin, we discuss trends in Maritime Domain Awareness, and how policy and technology interact in developing a level of understanding that serves as the foundation for command.


“MOISA 2: Fostering Regional Partnerships and Innovation for Maritime Security, Safety, and Resilience” Report (2015)

This report of the second year of the Maritime Operational Information Sharing Analysis project (MOISA 2) provides new information, analysis, development activity, strategic approaches, and demonstrations that build on the promise of MOISA 1 to help foster regional partnerships and innovation for regional security, safety, and resilience.


“CoSSaR Information Security Guide” (2015)

This Information Security Guide identifies specific topics of information associated with projects under CoSSaR that meet the standards and criteria for special handling and protection in accordance with Executive Order 13556, “Controlled Unclassified Information” (CUI).


“Potential Use of Federal Data Standards” White Paper (2015)

CoSSaRs MOISA Year Two project reviewed a set of emerging Federal data standards as listed under the Project Interoperability website, developed by the Program Manager of the Information Sharing Environment (PM-ISE) for potential use in improving identification and information management to enhance mission goals. This white paper explores the PM-ISEs ten main information sharing tools.


“Regional Resilience and the Information Sharing Environment” White Paper (2015)

Prepared for FEMA’s 2015 Annual Mitigation Summit, this white paper explores CoSSaR involvement in the regional resilience and security realm, particularly pertaining to the information sharing environment (ISE).


“Maritime Operational Information Sharing Analysis (MOISA1)” Report (2014)

This report summarizes findings from the year one of the Maritime Operations Information Sharing Analysis project (MOISA1), including a descriptive, ethnographic exploration of the complex daily operational information sharing environment (ISE) of the Puget Sound security and safety community (PSSSC).


Valuing What Works: Success Factors in Disaster Preparedness (2012)

This report summarizes an 18-month, evidence-based study, that sought to understand practitioner information needs by asking the question: What are successful Red Cross/Red Crescent (RCRC) preparedness practitioners already doing that works, and how can the organization better support their information needs in what they are already doing?


Considering Practitioner-Driven Innovations: Accommodating Information Systems Within Successful Humanitarian Work (2016)

Instead of adapting economic-based logistics systems designed for maximizing business effectiveness, we believe academics could better contribute to the science of humanitarian logistics by pursuing new designs supporting the goals and constraints driven by humanitarian values.


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