Security and Safety
Global Maritime Forum 2016

The 2016 Global Maritime Forum (GMF) Workshop was held on November 15-16, 2016 at the University of Washington. The theme of the 2016 GMF was “Challenges and Opportunities of Current & Emergent Maritime Capabilities: Exploring the Intersection of Technology and Policy.” The GMF, sponsored by the National Maritime Intelligence-Integration Office (NMIO), highlighted the policy implications...

Today’s maritime law enforcement and security organizations face unprecedented challenges in the current complex and hostile world in effectively accomplishing their mission. There is a critical need to effectively and rapidly develop, exploit, and disseminate intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance services/products to the Federal, local, state, tribal, territorial, international, private and public (FSLTIPP) maritime community, and...
Project Interoperability In Puget Sound (PIPS)

In the wake of September 11th the US government underscored the importance of information sharing and integration to prevent future major attacks. As the 9/11 Commission put it, “The importance of integrated, all-source analysis cannot be overstated. Without it, it is not possible to ‘connect the dots.’ No one component holds all the relevant information.”...
MOISA 2: Fostering Regional Partnerships and Innovation for Maritime Security, Safety, and Resilience
The second year of the Maritime Operational Information Sharing Analysis project (MOISA 2) was conducted from October 2014 through September 2015. MOISA 2 built on the understanding and analysis of the Puget Sound information sharing environment (ISE) and the operational practices of Federal, state, local, tribal, international, public and private regional partners (the FSLTIPP) gained...
Maritime Operations Information Sharing Analysis (MOISA 1)
Year one of the Maritime Operations Information Sharing Analysis project (MOISA 1) was a descriptive, ethnographic exploration of the complex daily operational information sharing environment (ISE) of the Puget Sound security and safety community (PSSSC). MOISA 1 revealed fundamental information with profound actionable implications for the security and safety of our country. These implications include:...