Maritime Operations Information Sharing Analysis (MOISA 1)

Year one of the Maritime Operations Information Sharing Analysis
project (MOISA 1) was a descriptive, ethnographic exploration of
the complex daily operational information sharing environment
(ISE) of the Puget Sound security and safety community (PSSSC).
MOISA 1 revealed fundamental information with profound actionable
implications for the security and safety of our country. These
implications include:
1. A critical need to refine how we identify, conduct, deliver, and
maintain initiatives designed to enhance regional security, safety,
and resilience
2. Insights into community-based strategies to increase the immediate
and long-term value of these initiatives, particularly when they are
based upon use of information and communication technologies

MOISA 1 Report
Project Interoperability White Paper

  • Mark Haselkorn, PhD — Professor, Human Centered Design & Engineering, Director of CoSSaR, Principal Investigator (PI) and Director of the SECURE Center, Co-PI for UCC Project
  • Sonia Savelli, PhD — Senior Research Scientist, Human Centered Design & Engineering, Co-Director of CoSSaR, PI for UCC Project, Co-PI and National Co-Design Lead of the SECURE Center