The Center for Social Science Computation and Research

December 28, 2021

CSSCR Newsletter Winter 2022

From the Director

We made it through the start-up of the Academic Year in good fashion and are hoping for an equally fine start-up come Winter Quarter 2022. While we did successfully return to in-person activities in the main office and in our drop-in consulting, we also successfully piloted an evening on-line service for software/statistical consulting and will maintain that service during Winter Quarter. The service is easily accessed M-Th from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM by simply sending a note to

Our workshops also returned to an in-person format and you can find the new list for Winter Quarter 2022 below.

We wish you all a relaxing Winter Break and wish you the best in 2022.

Best regards,

Jerry Herting


CSSCR Short Workshop Offerings Winter Quarter 2022

***Workshops are listed in the order of the dates they are delivered***


Introduction to Stata

Description:   This workshop is designed to introduce you to the basic Stata statistical package including reading in Stata datasets, basic data manipulation in Stata, and common statistical procedures.

  • Instructor:  Kovid Puria, CSSCR Consultant
  • Date:  Monday, January 24, 2022
  • Time:  12:30pm – 1:30pm
  • Location: Savery 117 (Big Lab)
  • Register here.


Introduction to R using R Studio

Description: This workshop will teach you how to get started with R using the free integrated development environment called Rstudio. The workshop will cover the basic organization of R and RStudio, where to find good help references, and how to begin a basic analysis. This class is ideal for users who have little or no experience with R.

  • Instructor: Zhaowen Guo, CSSCR Consultant
  • Date: Tuesday, January 25, 2022
  • Time: 2:30pm – 3:30pm
  • Location: Savery 117 (Big Lab)
  • Register here.


Direct Coding of Audio Data using ATLAS.ti

Description:   This workshop focuses on the ability to directly code audio data (e.g. interviews) using ATLAS.ti software.  Direct coding of the data can make transcripting unnecessary, hence, can be initiated soon after data collection.  If time permits, some visualization techniques ( such as Word Clouds) will be introduced.  The workshop assumes a base knowledge of ATLAS.ti . While the workshop does not require having access to Atlas-ti it is helpful.  For UW students/researchers/faculty access to ATLAS.ti on CSDE terminal server is available, please contact CSDE (Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology).

  • Instructor:  Baishakhi Basu, CSSCR Consultant
  • Date:  Wednesday, January 26, 2022
  • Time:  1:30pm -2:30pm
  • Location: Savery 121 (Small Lab)
  • Register here.


Data Wrangling in R

Description:   This workshop will cover some of R’s useful tools for data management and exploration. Most of class will be devoted to learning Hadley Wickham’s excellent “tidyr” and “dplyr” packages. Attendees are assumed to have basic familiarity with R/Rstudio.

  • Instructor:  Anwesha Pan, CSSCR Consultant
  • Date:  Thursday, January 27, 2022
  • Time: 9:30am – 10:30am
  • Location: Savery 121 (Small Lab)
  • Register here.


Introduction to Zotero for Organizing Bibliographies/References

Description:   This workshop will cover the basics of the freeware Zotero program as a useful tool for managing references and bibliographic databases. Zotero might just be the tool you need for managing and writing/documenting your term paper, thesis, or dissertation. Plus it can be an excellent way to organize all those pdf’s you download.

  • Instructor:  Steve Karceski, CSSCR Consultant
  • Date:  Tuesday, February 1, 2022
  • Time: 9:30am – 10:30am
  • Location: Savery 121 (Small Lab)
  • Register here.


Introduction to SPSS

Description:   This workshop introduces the SPSS statistical package including reading in datafiles, as well as basic data management and introductory statistical procedures. Additional topics include computing and recoding variables and selecting and filtering cases. 

  • Instructor:  Youngwon Kim, CSSCR Consultant
  • Date:  Tuesday, February 1, 2022
  • Time:  2:30pm – 3:30pm
  • Location: Savery 117 (Big Lab)
  • Register here.


Introduction to R Markdown  {workshop was on 2/3 it has been moved to 2/10}

Description: This workshop will teach you how to get started and incorporate analyses/results accomplished in R and “knit” your results/analyses with text into a final document via R-Markdown. This class is ideal for users who have experience with R and are looking to document and package their analyses into final documents (e.g. class assignments, research papers).

  • Instructor:  Victoria Sass, CSSCR Consultant
  • Date:  Thursday, February 10, 2022
  • Time:  2:30pm – 3:30pm
  • Location: Savery 121 (Small Lab)
  • Register here.


Introduction to Using Tableau

Description:   This is an introductory workshop demonstrating the use of Tableau for analyses and visualization of data. Emphasis will be on using Tableau for mapping/displaying geographic based data. No prior knowledge of Tableau is assumed.

  • Instructor:  Aya Masilela, CSSCR Consultant
  • Date:  Friday, February 4, 2022
  • Time:  1:30pm – 2:30pm
  • Location:  Savery 121 (Small Lab)
  • Register here.


If you have questions or problems registering please send a note to


Recent and New Data at CSSCR 

  • 2020 ACS 1-Year Experimental Data Tables
  • 2020 ACS 1-Year PUMS with Experimental weights for WA
  • 2020 ACS 1-Year PUMS with Experimental weights for US
  • 2019 ACS 5-year Summary File estimates for Washington State
  • 2019 ACS 5-year Summary File estimates for US
  • 2019 ACS 5-year Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) files for Washington State
  • 2019 ACS 5-year Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) files for US

Also see news regarding data availability for Census 2020 at our website under Data Archive Decennial Census


ICPSR access at CSSCR

CSSCR maintains the UW membership in the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR). All members of the UW community have direct access to ICPSR’s data archive of over 9,900 studies. Please contact us ( if you have questions or need more information about using this resource for accessing data or adding your data to the ICPSR repository. ICPSR new data releases and other news can be found here.


The Center for Social Science Computation and Research (CSSCR) is an interdepartmental computer center in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Washington. CSSCR provides facilities and consulting support for computing activity related to teaching and research at the University.

Hours of Operation

CSSCR is an in-person service except for evenings (see below for hours)!

Drop in In-Person Consulting (Savery 119) — no appointment needed just stop on by!

Monday-Thursday 8AM-6PM
Friday 8AM-5PM
For information send requests to

Evening on-line consulting — send requests for consulting help to

Evening hours are Monday-Thursday 6PM-9PM
Send requests to

Main Office and other services (Savery 110)

Main office is open Monday-Friday 8AM-12PM and 1PM-5PM — Please send queries to

We are closed weekends and for all University holidays.


Contact Us:

Center for Social Science Computation & Research
University of Washington
110 Savery Hall
Box 353345
Seattle, Washington 98195 U.S.A.
(206) 543-8110

If you would like to request academic accommodations due to a disability, please contact Disabled Student Services, 448 Schmitz, 543-8924 (V/TDD). If you have a letter from Disabled Student Services requesting academic Accommodations, please present the letter to Jerald Herting at CSSCR so we may discuss the necessary classroom accommodations.

University of Washington Terms and Conditions of Use   Send mail for questions or comments about this newsletter.