Civil Rights and Labor History Consortium / University of Washington

News Coverage of the 1934 Longshore Strike

The 1934 waterfront strike closed ports up and down the West Coast for 83 days and was arguably the most significant waterfront strike in American history. It began with a coast-wide longshore strike organized and led by the International Longshoremen Association (ILA). Originally, the ILA demanded higher wages and a shorter workday, but expanded its demands to include ILA recognition by the employers and union control of the waterfront hiring halls. As the strike progressed, it encompassed the entire maritime shipping industry on the West Coast, and made front-page news for the entire two and a half months of the port’s closure. Here is a complete day-by-day record of the strike -- more than 600 articles that appeared in Seattle newspapers during that period. The database was begun by Rachelle Byarlay and accompanies her essay "The Seattle Press and the 1934 Strike." Click the titles to read the articles. Kaitlyn Sortino organized the database. Jenica Nixon, Mike Becker, Jared Kanda, and Kyle Gorman helped with research.

4/24/1934 Voice of Action Seamen Fightin for Relief On the Beach
5/1/1934 Voice of Action Seamen Carry Strike on Vermar To Eastern Coast; Unemployed Aid
5/1/1934 Voice of Action Organize Jobless Seamen in Seattle
5/8/1934 Seattle Star Strike Looms On Waterfront
5/8/1934 Voice of Action Seamen on SS Yorkmar Win Demands, MWIU Leads Action
5/8/1934 Voice of Action ILA Leader Speaks At Everett May 1st
5/9/1934 Seattle PI Seattle Workers Deadlocked on Longshore Strike
5/9/1934 Seattle Times Longshoremen Out On Strike; Shipping Halted
5/9/1934 Seattle Star 1000 Strikers Picket Ships At Wharves
5/10/1934 Seattle PI Teamsters Back Longshore Strike of 1500 Men Here
5/10/1934 Seattle PI Teamsters Back Longshore Strike of 1500 Men Here, continued
5/10/1934 Seattle PI Union Drivers Refuse to Haul Ocean Freight
5/10/1934 Seattle PI 14 Active Vessels Caught by Longshoremen's Strike Here
5/10/1934 Seattle PI Clashes Mark Walkout in S.F.
5/10/1934 Seattle PI L.A. Area Paralyzed by Strike Order
5/10/1934 Seattle PI 250 Quit Work Under Strike in Everett
5/10/1934 Seattle PI 150 Bellingham Longshoremen Strike
5/10/1934 Seattle PI Two Ships Left Idle in Longview Strike
5/10/1934 Seattle PI Ship Loading Halted at Grays Harbor
5/10/1934 Seattle PI Portland City Council Asks Roosevelt's Aid
5/10/1934 Seattle Times Threat of Government Action Made by Mediator
5/10/1934 Seattle Times Strikebreakers Handle Cargoes at Three Piers, continued
5/10/1934 Seattle Times Columbia River Ports Picketed
5/10/1934 Seattle Times Strikebreakers on Seattle Front
5/10/1934 Seattle Star Shippers Hurl Challeng At Strikers Here
5/10/1934 Seattle Star Here's More About Longshoremen, continued
5/10/1934 Seattle Star America As I See It
5/11/1934 Seattle PI U.S. Acts in Waterfront Walkout
5/11/1934 Seattle PI Police Quell Violence in Olympia Strike
5/11/1934 Seattle PI Strikebreaker Beaten in San Francisco Clash
5/11/1934 Seattle PI Meat Cutters to Take Strike Vote
5/11/1934 Seattle Times Peace Hope Looms Big in Seattle Dock Strike
5/11/1934 Seattle Times Dock Strike Drives Wife to Suicide
5/11/1934 Seattle Times Thirty Ships in Harbor On Third Day of Strike
5/11/1934 Seattle Star Shippers Hire Men to Break Wharf Strike
5/11/1934 Seattle Star Here's More About Longshoremen, continued
5/12/1934 Seattle PI Portland Asks Troops in Strike
5/12/1934 Seattle PI Portland Asks for Soldiers in Dock Strike, continued
5/12/1934 Seattle Times Disorders Are Few in Coast-Wide Dock Strike
5/12/1934 Seattle Times Few Disorders in Strike, continued
5/12/1934 Seattle Star Groups From Other Cities Join Strikers
5/12/1934 Seattle Star Here's More About Longshoremen, continued
5/12/1934 Seattle Star U' Daily Condemns Hiring of Students as Strikebreakers
5/13/1934 Seattle PI 2,000 Longshore Strikers raid 12 Ships; Stop Work; 'No Troops Now,'--Martin
5/13/1934 Seattle PI Strikers Raid 12 Vessels on Waterfront, continued
5/13/1934 Seattle PI Pier Activities Ended to Avoid Any Bloodshed
5/13/1934 Seattle Times Mob Drives Workmen from Piers and Ships
5/13/1934 Seattle Times Longshore Head Ends Strike in Southern Zone
5/13/1934 Seattle Times Portland Council Appeals to F. D. R.
5/13/1934 Seattle Times S.F. Police Battle Rioters
5/14/1934 Seattle PI Strike Breakers Will Load Ships Under Police Guard; Dore Denies Plea for Troops
5/14/1934 Seattle Times Passenger and Freight Carriers to Remain Idle
5/14/1934 Seattle Times Twenty-Six Cargo Ships Tied Up by strike in Seattle, continued
5/14/1934 Seattle Times Vancouver, B.C., Men Vote Strike
5/14/1934 Seattle Times Students Again Warned Not To Take Dock Jobs
5/14/1934 Seattle Star Strikers Keep Upper Hand In Marine Fight
5/15/1934 Seattle Times Alaska Mail Held; Sound Mills Quit; U.S. Action Asked
5/15/1934 Seattle Times Governor Calls Conference on Dockers' Strike, continued
5/15/1934 Seattle Times 25,000 Portland Workers Hint At General Strike
5/15/1934 Seattle Times Victoria Dockers Aid Strikers
5/15/1934 Seattle Times Labor Aid May Come to Coast
5/15/1934 Seattle Star Ask Roosevelt To End Strike
5/15/1934 Seattle Star One Killed, 20 Hurt In Fight
5/15/1934 Seattle Star Here's More About Longshoremen, continued
5/15/1934 Seattle Star Tacoma Plants Are Shut Down
5/15/1934 Seattle Star Portland Labor May Call General Strike
5/15/1934 Voice of Action Strikers Sweep Docks Clean of Scabs
5/15/1934 Voice of Action Unite to Win Longshore Strike!
5/15/1934 Voice of Action ILA Men Hall UCL Unity Plea
5/15/1934 Voice of Action Here's More on Northwest Longshoremen's Strike
5/15/1934 Voice of Action Drafter of Initiative 77 Strikebreaker
5/16/1934 Seattle Times Seattle Sees Big Trade Loss Over Stagnanted Port
5/16/1934 Seattle Times Longshoremen Snub Martin On Arbitration Proposals, continued
5/16/1934 Seattle Times All State's Trade Hit by Dock Strike
5/17/1934 Seattle Times Strike Mediators Confer; More Ships' Crews Desert
5/17/1934 Seattle Times Strike Mediators in Conference, continued
5/17/1934 Seattle Times Arrest Made In Dock Slaying
5/17/1934 Seattle Times Forced Labor Charge Is Hurled
5/17/1934 Seattle Times Tanker Crew Quits in Tacoma
5/17/1934 Seattle Times U.S. Mediator Reachers S.F. In Strike Appeal
5/18/1934 Seattle Times Seamon On Three Ships Induced To Quit Jobs
5/18/1934 Seattle Times Todd Drydocks Rushed by Mob; Police Called, continued
5/18/1934 Seattle Times Fireworks And Matches Add To Peril on Piers
5/18/1934 Seattle Times Bay Bridge Steel Delayed by Strike
5/18/1934 Seattle Times Ambulance Men Afraid to Aid
5/18/1934 Seattle Times Oregon Ferrymen's Strike Ended
5/18/1934 Seattle Times Apple Shipper Calls Strikers 'Pirate Gang'
5/19/1934 Seattle Times S.F. Parley is Begun To Reach Pact, End Tie-Up
5/19/1934 Seattle Times Dock Strike Mediation Begun, continued
5/19/1934 Seattle Times Mediation Begins In San Francisco
5/20/1934 Seattle Times Lundin Demands Open Port; Mayors Wait on M'Grady
5/20/1934 Seattle Times Lundin Calls For Opening Port to Trade, continued
5/20/1934 Seattle Times Shipping Tie-Up Most Complete in City History
5/20/1934 Seattle Times M'Grady Raps 'Red' Element Among Seamen
5/20/1934 Seattle Times Hotel Men Ask Settlement of Dock Walk-Out
5/20/1934 Seattle Times Engineers Meet Today on Strike
5/21/1934 Seattle Times U.S. Action to End Dock Union Strike is Predicted
5/21/1934 Seattle Times U.S. Action to End Coast Shipping Tie-Up Predicted, continued
5/21/1934 Seattle Times Martin Moves To Aid Alaska Fisheries In Dock Strike
5/22/1934 Seattle Times Port Open Tomorrow'---Dore
5/22/1934 Seattle Times Police to Ride Trucks, Reopen Port to Trade, continued
5/22/1934 Seattle Times 25,000 Out in Coast's Dock Strike
5/22/1934 Seattle Times Waterfront Employers Give Statement on Dock Dispute
5/22/1934 Seattle Times Waterfront Employers Group Makes Statement on Strike, continued
5/22/1934 Seattle Times Port Paralysis Laid to Closed Shop Demands, continued
5/22/1934 Voice of Action ILA Leaders Move To Sell Out Strike
5/22/1934 Voice of Action Jobless "Take Over" Everett Relief Station; ILA President Speaks
5/22/1934 Voice of Action Vet Order Scab Herd Agency
5/22/1934 Voice of Action Japanese Seamen Know about Soviet
5/22/1934 Voice of Action Strike Wave Paralyzes Many Industries
5/22/1934 Voice of Action Communist Party Warns of Sell Out In Longshore Strike
5/22/1934 Voice of Action Farmers Offer Aid to the Striking Longshoremen
5/22/1934 Voice of Action United Front Sops Coos Bay Scabbing
5/22/1934 Voice of Action Strike Front Quiet
5/22/1934 Voice of Action Seamen's Solidarity Picket Line Formed
5/22/1934 Voice of Action UCL Aids Longshoremen
5/22/1934 Voice of Action Seattle Labor Council Turns Down Proposal For a General Strike
5/22/1934 Voice of Action Portland Jobless Reenforce Pickets
5/22/1934 Voice of Action Seamen Forge Bonds of Unity
5/22/1934 Voice of Action Flour Mill Workers Refuse to Be Scabs
5/23/1934 Seattle Times Parley With Dock Union Men Called by Reynolds
5/23/1934 Seattle Times Alaska Relief Looms as U.S. Aide Flies Here, continued
5/23/1934 Seattle Times Ports in South Open; Travelers Go There to Sail
5/23/1934 Seattle Times S.F. Makes Statement on Coast Strike
5/23/1934 Seattle Times Marshfield Mill, Loggers Resume
5/23/1934 Seattle Times Ship Tied Up At Bellingham
5/23/1934 Seattle Times Ore Loading At Tacoma Delayed
5/24/1934 Seattle TImes Dock Union Decides to Load U.S. Alaska
5/24/1934 Seattle Times Strikers Receive Ultimatum; To Load U.S. Alaska Ship, continued
5/24/1934 Seattle Times Dock Situation Related by Workers' Secretary
5/24/1934 Seattle Times Worker's Secretary Tells Union's Side of the Strike, continued
5/25/1934 Seattle Times Ryan's Wire on Northern Aid Termed Mandatory
5/25/1934 Seattle Times Ryan's Order to Relieve Alaska Is "Mandatory", continued
5/25/1934 Seattle Times Wagner Labor Bill Rushed to Settle Strikes
5/25/1934 Seattle Times S.F. Employers Will Recognize Workers' Union
5/26/1934 Seattle Times Dock Union Is Voting on Alasks Aid
5/26/1934 Seattle Times Dock Strikers Still Debating, continued
5/26/1934 Seattle Times Dynamite Found On Waterfront Adds to Tension
5/26/1934 Seattle Times Seattle Cargo is Diverted; Strike Halts Silk Trade
5/26/1934 Seattle Times Epidemic of Strikes Worrying Officials
5/27/1934 Seattle Times Union Agrees to Load One Ship for Southwest Alaska
5/27/1934 Seattle Times Dockmen Vote Loading Policy, continued
5/27/1934 Seattle Times Lundin, C. of C. Head, Cities S.F. Expense of $1,000,000 a Day; Cost to N.W. Business Is Pointed Out
5/27/1934 Seattle Times Waterfront Strike Costs Seattle $1,000,000 a Day, continued
5/27/1934 Seattle Times Strikers Given Relief Under U.S. Reglations
5/27/1934 Seattle Times Waterfront Must Be Dead; Barker Gets 'All the Play'
5/27/1934 Seattle Times To the Longshoremen and the Public: The Truth about the Longshore Strike
5/27/1934 Seattle Times S.F. Must End Shipping Strike, Says C.W. Hope
5/27/1934 Seattle Times Southern Ports Open, Handling Seattle Traffic
5/28/1934 Seattle PI McGrady Predits Possible Dock Strike End Tuesday
5/28/1934 Seattle PI One Alaska Vessel Freed
5/28/1934 Seattle PI Strikers Modify Agreement on Loading Alaska Vessel, continued
5/28/1934 Seattle Times Government Uses 'Club' to Get Dock Union Action
5/28/1934 Seattle Times Accident Gave Ryan His Start to Union's Helm
5/28/1934 Seattle Star Only President Can Break Strike Deadlock
5/28/1934 Seattle Star Start Loading Alaskan Ship
5/28/1934 Seattle Star Here's More About Strike, continued
5/29/1934 Seattle PI Dock Strike Agreement Reached - Locals to Pass on Pact; Union Wins Recognition and Supervision of Hiring Halls
5/29/1934 Seattle PI Fierce Rioting Breaks Out in Southern Port, continued
5/29/1934 Seattle PI Puget Sound Navigation's Workers Quit
5/29/1934 Seattle PI Workers to Strike on Sound Ferry Liens at 8 A.M. Today, continued
5/29/1934 Seattle PI Strikers Explain Delay in Unloading China's Exhibit
5/29/1934 Seattle PI Workers Will Vote Upon Plan of Settlement
5/29/1934 Seattle Times Ryan, Here, Urges Men to Accept Compromise
5/29/1934 Seattle Times S.F. Union Leaders Balk At Proposed Peace Plan, continued
5/29/1934 Seattle Times Portland Prepares For Strike Vote
5/29/1934 Seattle Times 1 Shot During S.F. Battle of Rioters, Police
5/29/1934 Seattle Star Strikers To Vote On Peace Plan
5/29/1934 Seattle Star Here's More About Strike, continued
5/29/1934 Seattle Star Strike Halts Two Ferries; Others Going
5/29/1934 Seattle Star Here's More About Ferries, continued
5/29/1934 Voice of Action Ryan's Orders Betray Longshoremen
5/29/1934 Voice of Action Dore's Threats Fail to Subdue Striking Longshoremen, continued
5/29/1934 Voice of Action Arrest Student Confer'ce Men for Aid to ILA
5/29/1934 Voice of Action Union Head Instructs Men to Loosen Tie-Up of Shipping to Alaskaan Packers
5/29/1934 Voice of Action Astoria
5/29/1934 Voice of Action Portland
5/29/1934 Voice of Action Congress Must Act on Terror!
5/29/1934 Voice of Action Labor Meet Takes No Official Action to Aid ILA Strikers
5/29/1934 Voice of Action Report of Night Patrol for May 23
5/29/1934 Voice of Action Support of ILA Pledged by ILD
5/30/1934 Seattle PI Ferries Run as Strikers are Replaced
5/30/1934 Seattle PI Ferry Unions Leave Posts, continued
5/30/1934 Seattle PI Longshoremen Refuse Compromise Plan Approved by Leaders in S.F. Parley; U.S. May Move Alaska Supplies on Boxer; Groundwork Laid for New Union
5/30/1934 Seattle PI N.W. Dock and Ship Men Plan New Combine, continued
5/30/1934 Seattle PI Ryan Believes Compromise Fair to Union
5/30/1934 Seattle PI Thousands Jobess (sic) in Alaska Through Strike, Pleads Troy
5/30/1934 Seattle PI Opposition to Peace Terms is Expressed
5/30/1934 Seattle PI Police on Hand as Ship Arrives
5/30/1934 Seattle PI Seamen Attack Ship Officers
5/30/1934 Seattle PI Coos Bay Men Vote for Pact
5/30/1934 Seattle PI State Keeps Hands Off in Ferry Walkout
5/30/1934 Seattle Times Dock Union Here Faces Ballot on Peace Plan
5/30/1934 Seattle Times Strike Stage Is Moved Here, continued
5/30/1934 Seattle Times Coast Dockmen Get Ballots To Vote On Peace
5/30/1934 Seattle Times U.S. Alaska Ship Off; North Wind Departs Tonight
5/30/1934 Seattle Times Matson Ship Is Loading Record San Pedro Cargo
5/30/1934 Seattle Star West To Get Aid If Dock Tie-Up Holds
5/30/1934 Seattle Star Here's More About Ship Strike, continued
5/30/1934 Seattle Star Strike Stops 6 Ferry Runs
5/30/1934 Seattle Star Here's More About Ferries, continued
5/30/1934 Seattle Star Let's Have All The Facts
5/31/1934 Seattle Times Seattle Vetoes Strike Peace; Ferries Resume
5/31/1934 Seattle Times Seattle Urged by Beck to End Strike Itself, continued
5/31/1934 Seattle Star Separate Strike Peace For Seattle Is Asked
5/31/1934 Seattle Star Here's More About Strike, continued
5/31/1934 Seattle Star It Seems To Me by J.R. Justice
6/8/1934 Voice of Action Report Chamber Commerce Spending $40,000 For Gas, Machine Guns, Chi. Thugs
6/8/1934 Voice of Action Ranks of Port Strikers Split Wide By Ryan, continued
6/8/1934 Voice of Action Sailors Ask $$
6/8/1934 Voice of Action Scab Mayor, Strike Wave, Plain Talk ---
6/8/1934 Voice of Action Cooks' Burocrats Quash Motion for Sympathy Strike
6/8/1934 Voice of Action Brooklyn ILA Men Back West Coast
6/8/1934 Voice of Action Voice of Action
6/8/1934 Voice of Action Starving Alaskans' Still Alive; Report
6/8/1934 Voice of Action Spokane Central Labor Council Quashes Strike-Aid Efforts
6/8/1934 Voice of Action Picket's Ruse Pulls Out Scaba
6/8/1934 Voice of Action FCWIU Give $137 to ILA
6/8/1934 Voice of Action Scabs Load One Port Angeles Freighter
6/8/1934 Voice of Action Spikes Aid
6/8/1934 Voice of Action Hold-Up Trains, Too
6/8/1934 Voice of Action Dock Crisis Nears
6/10/1934 Seattle Times Seattle Shall Not Die!
6/10/1934 Seattle Times Seamen's Truce Opens Shipping To North Ports
6/10/1934 Seattle Times 12 Police Tried After Strikers Eject Workers
6/11/1934 Seattle Times Strikers Offer Truce To All Seattle Ships
6/11/1934 Seattle Times Strikers Offer Truce For All Seattle Ships, continued
6/11/1934 Seattle Times Police to Guard Passengers of Grace Line Ship
6/11/1934 Seattle Times Tourists on Way To Alaska Head West
6/11/1934 Seattle Times 12 Hurt As 100 Attack Loading Crew in L.A.
6/11/1934 Seattle Times Labor Truces may Lead to Peace
6/12/1934 Seattle Times Smith Gives Sides Final Chance for Strike Pact
6/12/1934 Seattle Times Strike Adds 1,000 To Dole, continued
6/13/1934 Seattle Times Employers, Union Near Concord in Parley Here
6/13/1934 Seattle Times Smith Predicts Truce Tonight, continued
6/13/1934 Seattle Times Ship Aided To Help Move Huge Alaska Cargo
6/14/1934 Seattle Times Shippers' New Offer Studied By Strikers
6/14/1934 Seattle Times Strikers Scan New Proposal, continued
6/14/1934 Seattle Times U.S. Mediator In Strike Gets Death Threat
6/14/1934 Seattle Times Industry Fights F.R.'s Plan For Strike Board
6/15/1934 Seattle Times Police Seize Weapons of Pickets In Early Raids
6/15/1934 Seattle Times Longshore Strikers Menace Crews Aboard Three Ships, continued
6/15/1934 Seattle Times Strikers Not Back of I.L.A., Ballot Reveals
6/15/1934 Seattle Times Compromise Labor Bill Awaits
6/15/1934 Seattle Times Dock Worker Rearrested In Stabbing Death
6/15/1934 Seattle Star Strikers and Police Awaiting Battle
6/15/1934 Seattle Star Here's More About Strike, continued
6/15/1934 Seattle Star All Cities to Force Opening
6/15/1934 Voice of Action Communist Party For General Strike Action
6/15/1934 Voice of Action Stevedores Threaten Stop Alaska Shipping
6/15/1934 Voice of Action General Strike OK Declares Boot & Shoe Union
6/15/1934 Voice of Action Times Attack on ILA Costs 6,000 Readers
6/15/1934 Voice of Action Voice of Action
6/15/1934 Voice of Action Farmers Aid ILA
6/15/1934 Voice of Action Seamens Demands Partly Granted
6/15/1934 Voice of Action Coos Bay ILA Strikers Say They'll Stay Out
6/15/1934 Voice of Action Brockway Reports Communist Party Meeting to ILA
6/15/1934 Voice of Action The Front Line
6/15/1934 Voice of Action Coopers' Union Gives To Both I L A and MWLU
6/15/1934 Voice of Action Aid ILA Strike
6/16/1934 Seattle PI Armed Police Guard Waterfront
6/16/1934 Seattle PI Police Balk 400 Strikers in Dock Rush, continued
6/16/1934 Seattle PI Tacoma Police to Keep Order
6/16/1934 Seattle PI Portland Peace Plan Will Be Referred to All Coast Ports
6/16/1934 Seattle PI Poll Reveals Strikers Split
6/16/1934 Seattle PI Masters, Mates and Pilots May Refuse to Work Ships
6/16/1934 Seattle Star You Are Settling the Steel Strike, Mr. President---Why Not Ours?
6/16/1934 Seattle Star Congress May Settle Strike
6/16/1934 Seattle Star Here's More About Strike, continued
6/16/1934 Seattle Star All's Quiet On Waterfront Tho Police, Strikers Ready
6/16/1934 Seattle Star Cop Cavalry Is Organized
6/16/1934 Seattle Star Seattle a la Carte by Jim Marshall
6/16/1934 Seattle Star It Seems To Me by J.R. Justice
6/17/1934 Seattle PI Strike Breaker Ship Crews May Delay Settlement
6/17/1934 Seattle PI Seattle Union Will Vote on New Peace Plan Today, continued
6/17/1934 Seattle PI Summary of New Dock Settlement Plan Signed in S.F.
6/17/1934 Seattle PI San Francisco Agreement O.K.'d by Labor Chief and employers; Compromise reached on Disputed Points
6/17/1934 Seattle PI Compromise Plan Provides Joint Hiring Hall Control, continued
6/17/1934 Seattle PI Unions Balk on Separate Pact
6/17/1934 Seattle PI Great Lakes Dock Strike Vote Sought
6/17/1934 Seattle PI Oregon Rejoices as Strike Settlement Looms
6/17/1934 Seattle PI Tacoma Docks Quiet; Vote Expected Today
6/18/1934 Seattle PI Counter Proposal to be Offerend Employers - Strike Committee of Northwest Plans Seattle Talk
6/18/1934 Seattle PI Employers to Stand by New Agreement, Labor at Odds, continued
6/18/1934 Seattle PI Summary of day's Developments in Longshore Strike
6/18/1934 Seattle PI Dock Pact Rejected in 3 Ports; Seattle Union to Vote Today
6/18/1934 Seattle PI Seattle Longshoremen to Vote on Settlement Plan Today, continued
6/18/1934 Seattle Star New Strike Peace Plan Is Doomed
6/18/1934 Seattle Star Seattle Strikers May Join in Rejecting Strike Peace Plan, continued
6/18/1934 Seattle Star Settlement of All Strikes on Coast Now Sought
6/18/1934 Seattle Star Here's More About S.F. Strike, Continued
6/18/1934 Seattle Star Tacoma Has New Peace Proposal
6/19/1934 Seattle PI Developments of Day in Coastwide Longshore Strike
6/19/1934 Seattle PI Mayor Smith Sees No Use for Further Parleys
6/19/1934 Seattle PI Loading Will Start as Hopes for Piece Fade, continued
6/19/1934 Seattle PI Three 'President' Liners Strike-Bound Here
6/19/1934 Seattle PI Portland Mayor Issues Warning to Rowdies
6/19/1934 Seattle PI Alaska Mines Open as Supplies Arrive
6/19/1934 Seattle PI S.F. Predicts Fight to Finish in Dock Strike
6/19/1934 Seattle PI Summary of Day's News
6/19/1934 Seattle PI 8 Bombs Found in L.A. Port Stir Police
6/19/1934 Seattle Times Union Offers New Peace Plan
6/19/1934 Seattle Times Coast Prepares to Open Ports, continued
6/19/1934 Seattle Times Smelting Plant in Tacoma Shut Down by Strike
6/19/1934 Seattle Star Loading Plan of Employers Still Secret
6/19/1934 Seattle Star Here's More About Strike, continued
6/19/1934 Seattle Star Ship Code To Be Redrafted
6/19/1934 Seattle Star Sea Serpents Offered as Solution to Shipping Strike
6/19/1934 Seattle Star Union Seamen Tell Their Side of Strike Argument
6/20/1934 Seattle PI Police Will Open Port Today!
6/20/1934 Seattle PI Zero Hour for Strike Action Kept Secret, continued
6/20/1934 Seattle PI Workers Lay Peace Basis Before Mayor
6/20/1934 Seattle PI Strike May Bar Noisy Fourth
6/20/1934 Seattle PI Portland Aims to Open Port
6/20/1934 Seattle PI No Ship Docks in S.F; Record Set
6/20/1934 Seattle PI Johnson to Speed Code Action on 'Hiring Halls'
6/20/1934 Seattle PI Roosevelt Signs Labor Dispute Bill
6/20/1934 Seattle PI Summary of Day's News
6/20/1934 Seattle Times Steam Raised in Winches to Begin Unloading Cargo
6/20/1934 Seattle Times Ships Prepare to Unload Cargo, Continued
6/20/1934 Seattle Times Smith Cove Pier Vibrant With Strike Tension
6/20/1934 Seattle Times Pier 40 Vibrant With Tension, Continued
6/20/1934 Seattle Times Cargoes Worth Millions On 23 Ships Idle Here
6/20/1934 Seattle Times Portland Moves Police to Docks to Reopen Port
6/20/1934 Seattle Times New Union Formed In Portland
6/20/1934 Seattle Times Crew for Ship Is Refused
6/20/1934 Seattle Star Effort To Load Ships Here Fails
6/20/1934 Seattle Star Here's More About Strike, continued
6/20/1934 Seattle Star Strike Causes Big Fireworks Shortage, Kids Out of Luck
6/20/1934 Seattle Star Lundin says Strikers Lacking Sincerity
6/20/1934 Seattle Star Pickets Defeat Attempt to Load Tacoma Ships
6/20/1934 Seattle Star Rossi Again Holding Strike Conferences
6/20/1934 Seattle Star In the Bitter Strife of Men-- Falls a Bird With a Broken Wing
6/20/1934 Seattle Star Los Angeles Forms Coast Strike Body
6/20/1934 Seattle Star New Longshoremen Association Formed
6/21/1934 Seattle PI Police Fail to Break Port Blockade; Strikers Bar R.R. Engine From Dock; Teamsters Refuse to Haul Loads
6/21/1934 Seattle PI Strikers Balk Move to Open Seattle Port, continued
6/21/1934 Seattle PI Day's Highlights in Attempts to End Tieup of Port
6/21/1934 Seattle PI Labor Council Balks General Strike Plea
6/21/1934 Seattle PI Effort to Open Port of Tacoam Ends in Failure
6/21/1934 Seattle PI Driver Pulled From Car and Beaten by Four
6/21/1934 Seattle PI Ship Unloaded at Portland
6/21/1934 Seattle PI Coast Guard's Cutters Also Patrol Area
6/21/1934 Seattle PI Riderless Bicycle Bowls Over Policemen at Docks
6/21/1934 Seattle Times Police Use Clubs On Dock Rioters
6/21/1934 Seattle Times Picket Lines Moved Back; Passing Autoists Beaten, continued
6/21/1934 Seattle Times Miss Perkins Asks Strike Arbitration
6/21/1934 Seattle Times Parley Advised By Miss Perkins, continued
6/21/1934 Seattle Times Patrolman Injured by Tear Bomb
6/21/1934 Seattle Times Pier Pickets At Bonfires All Night
6/21/1934 Seattle Times Pier Pickets Keep Watch, continued
6/21/1934 Seattle Times Ryan Willing To Arbitrate
6/21/1934 Seattle Star Woman's Appeal May End Strike
6/21/1934 Seattle Star Here's More About Sec'y Perkins
6/21/1934 Seattle Star Gas Weapons Give Police Tough Times
6/21/1934 Seattle Star Here's More About Ship Strike, continued
6/21/1934 Seattle Star Tear Gassing Just 'Accident'
6/21/1934 Seattle Star Chinese beaten in Waterfrton Affray
6/22/1934 Seattle PI Strikers Renew Alaska Embargo: Nonunion Men Unload First Ship
6/22/1934 Seattle PI Armed Force on Pier Blamed for Walkout, continued
6/22/1934 Seattle PI List of Companies and Ships Hit by Alaska Blockade
6/22/1934 Seattle PI Strike Parley at S.F. Makes Little Gain
6/22/1934 Seattle PI Move to Get Train On Dock Proves Futile, continued
6/22/1934 Seattle PI Both Sides' Position on Alaska Ships
6/22/1934 Seattle PI All Quiet on Tacoma Docks
6/22/1934 Seattle Times Ship Unions Repudiate Contracts
6/22/1934 Seattle Times Breaking of Pact Charged, continued
6/22/1934 Seattle Times Second Ship Is Unloaded At Pier 40
6/22/1934 Seattle Times Nonunion Crews Unload Second Freighter Here, continued
6/22/1934 Seattle Times Here Are Texts of Pacts Signed In Alaska Trade
6/22/1934 Seattle Times Here Are Texts of Pacts Signed In Alaska Trade, continued
6/22/1934 Seattle Times Doyle Silent On New Blockade Of Alaska Ports
6/22/1934 Seattle Times Tourist Trips May Be Halted By Alaska Ban
6/22/1934 Seattle Times One Stabbed In S.F. Clash
6/22/1934 Seattle Times Arbitration Is Considered
6/22/1934 Seattle Times Tacoma Acts To Provide Protection
6/22/1934 Seattle Star Start Unloading Another Ship At Smith Cove Pier
6/22/1934 Seattle Star Unloading Another Ship Starts at Smith Cove Piers Today, continued
6/22/1934 Seattle Star President Alone Can End Strike!
6/22/1934 Seattle Star Striking Seamen Aren't Taking Up Any "Collection"
6/22/1934 Seattle Star Light and Shadow From Battlefront Along the Marina
6/22/1934 Seattle Star Here's More About Striking Hilities, continued
6/22/1934 Seattle Star Oil Compaines Put on Unfair List
6/22/1934 Seattle Star Lio Pumps Out Oil For Shell Co. Tanks
6/22/1934 Seattle Star Both Sides Argue They're Right in Alaska Ship Fight
6/22/1934 Voice of Action Cops Try Out Tear Gas in Seattle Streets!
6/22/1934 Voice of Action Acrobat Ryan - - - Steel Sellout
6/22/1934 Voice of Action The Front Line, continued
6/22/1934 Voice of Action Rand and File Controls Port Angeles Local
6/22/1934 Voice of Action Need Money To Conduct Strike
6/22/1934 Voice of Action Northwest's Waterfront Strikers Reject Ryan Sell-out; Holds Ports Closed Despite Scab-Thug Attacks
6/22/1934 Voice of Action ILA Strike, continued
6/22/1934 Voice of Action Tell Smith No Terror -- Or Else!
6/22/1934 Voice of Action Tacoma Port Stays Closed
6/22/1934 Voice of Action Iron-Shod Horses to Terrorize
6/22/1934 Voice of Action Plight of $10,000 Year Gove. Troy Pitiful Says Real Starving Alaskan
6/22/1934 Voice of Action "Labor Paper" Hits Reds And Ignores Strike
6/22/1934 Voice of Action Church Supports Strike, Condemns Citi's Committee
6/22/1934 Voice of Action ILD Organzer Jailed
6/22/1934 Voice of Action Licensed Deck Officers To Aid Longshoremen
6/22/1934 Voice of Action Frisco Stevedores, Seamen Unite For Strike Action
6/22/1934 Voice of Action UCL Leads Relief Fight
6/22/1934 Voice of Action UCL Relief fight, continued
6/23/1934 Seattle PI Smith Asks Roosevelt Aid in Harbor Strike; Cargose moved Under Police Guard
6/23/1934 Seattle PI Ships' Cargoes Moved Under Police Guard, continued
6/23/1934 Seattle PI Ryan Urged to End Alaska Blocade(sic); Order Men on Job
6/23/1934 Seattle PI Operators Cite Contrats to Show Union Violation, continued
6/23/1934 Seattle PI Nonunion Men Get 4 Square Meals on Ship
6/23/1934 Seattle PI 3 Policemen and 1 Guard Knocked Down
6/23/1934 Seattle PI Summary of Day's News
6/23/1934 Seattle PI Strike Crisis Within 72 Hours Expected in S.F.
6/23/1934 Seattle Times Vessel For England To Break Port Tie-Up Here
6/23/1934 Seattle Times Pickets Halt Train Again
6/23/1934 Seattle Times S.F. Estimates Strike costs It $700,000 a Day
6/23/1934 Seattle Star Roosevelt Orders Strike Stopped
6/23/1934 Seattle Star Here's More About Strike, continued
6/23/1934 Seattle Star Light and Shadow from battlefront Along the Marina
6/23/1934 Seattle Star Here's More About Sidelights, continued
6/23/1934 Seattle Star Lumber to be Moved Free So Begatia Can Go Ahead
6/23/1934 Seattle Star It Seems To Me by J.R. Justice
6/23/1934 Seattle Star Seattle a la Carte by Jim Marshall
6/23/1934 Seattle Star San Francisco Shippers Plan Battle to Open Port
6/23/1934 Seattle Star Loggers and Millmen to Go Back to Work Monday
6/25/1934 Seattle Times Union Halts Citizens For Inquiry Into Hiring Men
6/25/1934 Seattle Times Longshore Pickets Halt Visitors to Smith Tower, continued
6/25/1934 Seattle Times S.F. Delays Efforts To Free Ships With Force
6/26/1934 Seattle Times I.L.A. Asks General Strike!
6/26/1934 Seattle Times I.L.A. Asks General Strike; Pickets Grease Rails Again, continued
6/26/1934 Seattle Times 1,726 More Get State Aid Since Strike Started
6/26/1934 Seattle Times Smith To Keep Special Police eIn Dock Tie-Up
6/26/1934 Seattle Times Strike Hurting Seattle Credit, Asserts Harper
6/26/1934 Seattle Times F.R. will Act If Strike Keeps On, Says M'Grady
6/26/1934 Seattle Times Armed Guards Ride On trams As 1,400 Strike
6/26/1934 Seattle TImes National Guard 'Just Prepared' In California
6/26/1934 Seattle Times Navy Beginning To Feel Effect of Dock Strike
6/26/1934 Seattle Times I.L.A. Scretary Disavows beating of Men on Street
6/27/1934 Seattle Times Dozen Nonunion Men Beaten
6/27/1934 Seattle Times 12 Nonunion Men Beaten; Sixth Ship Unloading Here, continued
6/27/1934 Seattle Times Grand Jury Acts After 5 Beatings In Portland
6/27/1934 Seattle Times Grand Jury Acts After Beatings, continued
6/27/1934 Seattle Times General Strike Hopes of Dock Group Fading
6/27/1934 Seattle Times Mayor Appeals To Roosevelt In Alaska Tie-Up
6/27/1934 Seattle Times Alaska Sails From B.C. Port
6/27/1934 Seattle Times Nonunion Men Beaten in L.A.
6/27/1934 Seattle Times Ryan Puzzled At Repudiation of Alaska Pact
6/28/1934 Seattle Times I.L.A. Gives Ground On Control Of Hiring Hall
6/28/1934 Seattle Times Dock Union's Hall Gassed; Pickets Again Halt Train
6/28/1934 Seattle Times President's New Board Confers With Union Men
6/28/1934 Seattle Times Three Strikers Are Indicted In Slugging Cases
6/29/1934 Seattle Times Bomb Damages N.P. Man's Home - Owner of Residence Lays Blame On Strikers
6/29/1934 Seattle Times Reynolds To Invoke New Labor Law For Peace
6/29/1934 Seattle Times Alaska Ship Truce Fails; Pickets Jailed in Stoning, continued
6/29/1934 Seattle Times Strikers' Peace Plan Rejected; Ryan Goes East
6/29/1934 Seattle Times Hannah Has Been Successful As Labor Mediator
6/29/1934 Seattle Times 32 Strikers Jailed in L.A.
6/29/1934 Seattle Times Portland Jails 19 on I.L.A. Picket Launch
6/29/1934 Seattle Times Suit Aimed At Police Horses On Pier Ended
6/30/1934 Seattle PI U.S. Will run Ships to Alaska Ports if Strike Continues
6/30/1934 Seattle PI U.S. Will Run Ships North if Strike Lasts, continued
6/30/1934 Seattle PI Strike Parley at Standstill
6/30/1934 Seattle PI Judge Orders Arrest of Labor Officials
6/30/1934 Seattle PI Portland Ship Cargo Moved Under Guard
6/30/1934 Seattle Times Strikers Jeer Men Unloading 8th Ship
6/30/1934 Seattle Times Unloading At Pier 41 Begins, continued
6/30/1934 Seattle Star Plan to Smash Sea Strike Monday
6/30/1934 Seattle Star Here's More About Strike, continued
6/30/1934 Seattle Star Be Fair!
6/30/1934 Seattle Star No Result Yet in 11-Day Battle to Force Open Port
6/30/1934 Seattle Star U.S. Action In Strike, Maybe
6/30/1934 Seattle Star Here's More About U.S. Action, continued
6/30/1934 Seattle Star Labor Trouble Is Ironed Out
6/30/1934 Seattle Star Printers Back Strikers Here
6/30/1934 Seattle Star Light and Shadow From Battlefront Along the Marina
6/30/1934 Seattle Star Now Unloading Cargo on Pier 41 at Cove
7/1/1934 Seattle PI Dock Striker Shot in First Gun Battle of Walkout
7/1/1934 Seattle PI Striker Shot in battle at Point Wells, continued
7/1/1934 Seattle PI Police Urged to End Strike
7/1/1934 Seattle PI Alaska Pioneers Demand U.S. Operate Vessels
7/1/1934 Seattle Times Editorial: Let's Face the Facts
7/1/1934 Seattle Times Sixty Men Rush Guards At PT. Wells Oil Docks
7/1/1934 Seattle Times Man Shot In Battle With Dock Guards, continued
7/1/1934 Seattle Times No Progress Made In Strike Parley In S.F.
7/1/1934 Seattle Times Portland Jails 5 for Blocking Gasoline Truck
7/1/1934 Seattle Times Nonunion Crews May Board Ships
7/1/1934 Seattle Times Ship Owners, Use of Police Scored By Union Printers
7/1/1934 Seattle Times Women Strikers Entertained By Longshoremen
7/2/1934 Seattle PI Guard Jailed in Killing of Dock Striker
7/2/1934 Seattle PI Guard Jailed in Death of Dock Striker, continued
7/2/1934 Seattle PI No Progress in Strike Parley
7/2/1934 Seattle PI Strike Will Be League Topic
7/2/1934 Seattle Times Reynolds Asks Acceptance of Alaska Truce
7/2/1934 Seattle Times Inquest Set In Striker's Death
7/2/1934 Seattle Times S.F. Will Try To Reopen Port This Afternoon
7/2/1934 Seattle Times Three Tankers Arrive, Unload At Portland
7/2/1934 Seattle Star Settle the Strike! Seattle Demands It
7/2/1934 Seattle Star Alaska Ships Near Freedom
7/2/1934 Seattle Star Here's More About Strike, continued
7/2/1934 Seattle Star Five Nonunion Workers Quit
7/2/1934 Seattle Star San Francisco Ready For Attempt to Force Action
7/2/1934 Seattle Star Municipal League Will Study Strike
7/3/1934 Seattle PI Mayor to Keep Police on Piers
7/3/1934 Seattle PI Mayor Stands Pat on Use of Wharf Guards, continued
7/3/1934 Seattle PI Opening of Port in San Francisco Planned at Noon
7/3/1934 Seattle PI Lundin Says 32 Ships 'Active' at San Francisco
7/3/1934 Seattle PI Steamer Ready to Load Cargo in Portland
7/3/1934 Seattle PI Council again Refuses to Confirm Special Police
7/3/1934 Seattle Star Strikers, Employers Refuse Arbitration
7/3/1934 Seattle Star Here's More About Strike, continued
7/3/1934 Seattle Star We Are All In This Boat
7/3/1934 Seattle Star Light and Shadow From Battlefront Along the Marina
7/3/1934 Seattle Star Four Persons Hurt in San Pedro Strike
7/3/1934 Seattle Star Here's Picture of Life Led By Strikebreakers on Ship
7/13/1934 Voice of Action General Strike Nears In Answer to Boss Violence; On to Pier 40 Saturday, One P.M.
7/13/1934 Voice of Action The Front Line
7/13/1934 Voice of Action The Front Line, continued
7/13/1934 Voice of Action Beware - Editorial
7/13/1934 Voice of Action "Shoot to Kill"
7/13/1934 Voice of Action UCL Stops Scabs!
7/13/1934 Voice of Action Food Workers Meet On Sympathy Strike
7/13/1934 Voice of Action Star Strikebreaker
7/13/1934 Voice of Action Fishermen Donate To ILA Strikers
7/13/1934 Voice of Action Striking Seamen Framed; MacPeak Trial Tuesday
7/13/1934 Voice of Action Pat Morris Makes Weak Pass at "Defending" Stevedores
7/13/1934 Voice of Action Waterfront Strike Gets No Support
7/20/1934 Voice of Action Longshore Strike Stops Shipment of Munitions
7/20/1934 Voice of Action The Front Line
7/20/1934 Voice of Action The Front Line, continued
7/20/1934 Voice of Action S.F. Strikers Face 2 Fold Sell Out Plan
7/20/1934 Voice of Action Central Council Action Stopped Dead By Duncan, Levine
7/20/1934 Voice of Action Locals Add Strike Votes Over Fakers
7/20/1934 Voice of Action Portland Boss Rats Raid Workers Halls
7/20/1934 Voice of Action General Strike Is Next Step U C L Tells Mass Meeting
7/20/1934 Voice of Action Organize Protests Against Terror!
7/20/1934 Voice of Action Organize Protests, continued
7/20/1934 Voice of Action Vancouver Plans Strike
7/20/1934 Voice of Action "No One Shall Go Hungry"
7/20/1934 Voice of Action "Friendly" Bullets
7/20/1934 Voice of Action Good Readin'--By Jack Lewis
7/20/1934 Voice of Action AFL Head Scabs In Whatcom Mill
7/20/1934 Voice of Action No Move To Aid Strikers Made By Washington AFL
7/20/1934 Voice of Action Fisher Flour Mill Organizes to Kill Longshore Strike
7/20/1934 Voice of Action Free Two Sailors
7/20/1934 Voice of Action Ryan Thrown Out Eastern ILA Halls Stack Says
7/20/1934 Voice of Action Portland Finnish Workers Support Strike, Raise $83
7/20/1934 Voice of Action MWIU Asks Rank And File Strikers To Show Militancy
7/27/1934 Voice of Action The Front Line
7/27/1934 Voice of Action Arbitration Forced on Marine Workers
7/27/1934 Voice of Action Attend Protest Meet
7/27/1934 Voice of Action 300 Censure Police and Mayor
7/27/1934 Voice of Action Another Red-Baiter
7/27/1934 Voice of Action Red Squad Arrests 55, 37 are Released
7/27/1934 Voice of Action An Impartial Board
7/27/1934 Voice of Action All News of Frisco Strike is Prohibited By Chile Government
7/27/1934 Voice of Action Rank and File, Organize to Win
7/27/1934 Voice of Action Editorial, continued
7/30/1934 Seattle PI Striking Longshoremen Resume Work Tomorrow
7/30/1934 Seattle PI Longshoremen Will Go Back to Job Tuesday, continued
7/30/1934 Seattle PI Police Guard to be Called From Docks
7/30/1934 Seattle PI Port Prepares to Work Again, continued
7/30/1934 Seattle PI Events in Long Marine Tieup
7/30/1934 Seattle PI Portland Port Opens Tuesday
7/30/1934 Seattle PI Seamen to Vote on Bargaining Delegates
7/30/1934 Seattle Star Thousands to Resume Labor After Strike
7/30/1934 Seattle Star Here's More About Strike, continued
7/31/1934 Seattle PI All Striking Dock and Ship Workers Back on Job Today
7/31/1934 Seattle PI Alaska Ships Will Load at Seattle, continued
7/31/1934 Seattle PI Nonunion Work Crew Only Issue at Bellingham
7/31/1934 Seattle PI 2 Wounded Portland Strikers Sue Railroad
7/31/1934 Seattle Times 3,000 Back On Job Here As Maritime Tie-Up Ends
7/31/1934 Seattle Times 3,000 Return To Jobs Here As Tie-Up Ends
7/31/1934 Seattle Times Strikers Work In All Ports On Pacific Coast
7/31/1934 Seattle Star Seattle Waterfront Hums as Strikers Return to Work
7/31/1934 Seattle Star Here's More About Strike, continued
7/31/1934 Seattle Star Portland Also Back at Waterfront Work
7/31/1934 Seattle Star Heads Cracked in Bellingham Riot
7/31/1934 Seattle Star Waterfront Is Busy Again in Bay Region
8/1/1934 Seattle PI Millions in Cargo Moving From Seattle; 45 Vessels Slated to Sail This Week
8/1/1934 Seattle PI Accumulated Cargoes Begin Moving as Men Resume Work, continued
8/1/1934 Seattle PI Business Gaining in Seattle Despite Recent Dock Tieup
8/1/1934 Seattle PI Coast Ports Come to Life
8/1/1934 Seattle PI 20,000 Will Get Jobs back
8/1/1934 Seattle Star 45 Ships Sail This Week From Seattle
8/1/1934 Seattle Star Here's More About Strikes, continued
8/3/1934 Voice of Action The Front Line
8/3/1934 Voice of Action Government and A.F.L. Leadership Succeed In Betrayal of Workers
8/3/1934 Voice of Action Maritime Strikers Betrayed, continued
8/3/1934 Voice of Action Pacific Coast Monopolists Say Strike Settled for Public Interests--- Whose?
8/3/1934 Voice of Action Seamen Face Blacklist
8/3/1934 Voice of Action Polie (sic) Haul Scabs By Marine Workers
8/3/1934 Voice of Action Bomb Knocks Policeman Out
8/3/1934 Voice of Action AF of L Union Protests
8/10/1934 Voice of Action Dock Conditions Bad ILA'rs Talk Strike
8/17/1934 Voice of Action The Front Line -- Was the Strike a Failure?
8/17/1934 Voice of Action Vigilantes Issue Bulletin To Murder And Terrorize
8/17/1934 Voice of Action "Red Squad" Cop Tries To Panic Marine Leader
8/17/1934 Voice of Action "Red Squad", continued
8/17/1934 Voice of Action Leaders Not Behind Strike, Says "Time"
8/24/1934 Voice of Action Earl Browder Relates Historical Import Of S.F. General Strike
8/31/1934 Voice of Action Red Squad Frames Militant Mariner
8/31/1934 Voice of Action Gen. Johnson's Pay Rockets To $10,43 An Hour
8/31/1934 Voice of Action ISU Leaders Break Strike On Ship; Tell Stevedores To Go On-Working
8/31/1934 Voice of Action 30 Union Longshoremen Framed In Death of Portland Scab; ILD First To Pledge Aid