Civil Rights and Labor History Consortium / University of Washington

About the Project


Tacoma waterfront 1920s. This is one of hundreds of images in our photo archive.

The Waterfront Workers History Project is a multimedia web project sponsored by the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies at the University of Washington. It represents a collaboration between faculty, graduate and undergraduate students, unions, and community members. This site joins a collection of projects in the Civil Rights and Labor History Consortium based at the University of Washington and directed by Prof. James Gregory.

The Project provides an accessible and teachable resource for exploring the history of waterfront workers and their unions.

The Waterfront Workers History Project began with a working group grant from the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies. We soon joined forces with the Unions Reexamined Working Group, a project that explores the effect of union governance and organizational culture on the solidarity and political commitments of the members, directed by Margaret Levi and David Olson. Ronald Magden generously allowed us to digitize parts of his massive document and photograph collection. The ILWU Archive, under the direction of Gene Vrana, shared rare copies of The Waterfront Worker and other documents. Other collaborations are acknowledged below.

Project Directors: James Gregory and Margaret Levi

Project editors: Leo Baunach (2013)| Michael Reagan (2010)| Steven Beda and George Robertson (2009)

Video/audio digitization: Jon Agnone

Undergraduate Assistants Leo Baunach| Derek Creager

Working Group advisors: Ronald Magden| Gene Vrana| Ian Kennedy| David Olson

Contributors: Brittany Barrett| Leo Baunach| Rachelle Byarlay| Michael Schulze-Oechterning Castaneda| Adam Farley| Blaine Holien| Devin Kelly| Patrick Kelly| Jessie Kindig| Ashley Lindsey| Rod Palmquist| Daren Salter| Katelynn Sortino|

Web design: Peter Leonard

Photo and Document Collections: Ronald E. Magden | ILWU Archives | ILWU Local 23| University of Washington Libraries Special Collections Division| Fred and Dorothy Cordova, Pinoy Archives, Filipino American National Historical Society | Museum of History and Industry | Harry Bridges Center Jean Gundlach Collection | Lonnie Nelson | Harvey Schwartz | Jerry Tyler


Everything on this site is protected by the copyright laws of the United States and the Universal Copyright Convention. Photos, drawings, documents, maps, timelines, reports, and articles are the property of the donors and authors and may not be reproduced. Introductory writings and other materials are the property of the Waterfront Workers History Project and may not be reproduced without the written permission of the director(s) of the Waterfront Workers History Project. If any copyright owner objects to the use of any work appearing in these pages, notify us and we will promptly remove it.


Nothing on this site may be reproduced without the written permission of the director(s) of the Waterfront Workers History Project. This is an educational, non-commercial site. All materials on these pages (including all texts, images, descriptions, etc.) are for the personal and educational use of students, scholars, and the public. Any commercial use or publication of them without authorization is strictly prohibited.

Teachers and students are granted permission to print materials from this site for classroom use provided that the Waterfront Workers History Project is properly credited.

Citing these pages:

Anything quoted from this site must credit "The Waterfront Workers History Project," as well as the author, title, and web address. We have also made research reports compatible with Zotero. Here is the recommended citation form:

Author if available, article or page title, The Waterfront Workers History Project. Retrieved (date you retrieved the information) from (add the complete URL for the specific page).

c/o Professor James Gregory
History Department
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-3560