Global Health Justice

Framing Global Health

This section takes on issues with practitioners’ orientation to global health research and practice. Global health practitioners are positioned to impact health both positively or negatively. The ‘helping’ orientation of our field does not preclude us from causing considerable global harm, yet our self-righteousness often prevents us from recognizing the global harms we cause. Too often in global health, we use the nobility of our mission in defense of our less-than-noble practice. In Framing Global Health we present critiques and recommendations to improve how the important work of global health is done.

April 10, 2024

Climate mortality: From rural Indian Women to Seattle’s homeless men

By Siddhant Gupta

The climate crisis creates a tragic reality across the globe: women in India are succumbing to extreme heat, while homeless individuals, predominantly men, in Seattle are dying from extreme cold. Rohini Krishnamurthy, in the Indian Down to Earth magazine, sheds light on a troubling gender disparity in India coping with extreme temperatures. Since 2005, there…