Global WACh


July 11, 2020

Global WACh Researchers Share Findings Virtually at AIDS 2020

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In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 23rd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2020) moved from San Francisco, CA to a virtual platform this year.  The largest conference on HIV/AIDS research was held from July 6-10, 2020 and gathered researchers from around the world.  Global WACh faculty, staff, and students within the HIV and Co-Infections Scientific Priority Area shared 9 poster abstracts, 1 oral abstract, and moderated 1 oral poster discussion session on an innovative and interactive global platform to influence discussions on HIV science, research, and policy.  See the abstract titles below and click on the titles to learn more.


December 5, 2019

Researchers present findings at the 2019 American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Conference

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Last week, researchers from Global WACh’s Gut Health and Child Survival scientific priority area attended the 68th annual American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) Conference in National Harbor, MD.  ASTMH founded in 1903, is the largest international scientific organization of experts dedicated to reducing the worldwide burden of tropical infectious diseases and improving global health.  Experts envision a world free of tropical infectious diseases by generating and sharing scientific evidence, informing health policies and practices, fostering career development, recognizing excellence, and advocating for investment in tropical medicine/global health research.

Left to right: Hannah Atlas (MPH Student and Research Assistant), Dr. Rebecca Brander (Program Officer, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Former Research Assistant), Dr. Christine McGrath (Assistant Professor, Global Health), Stephanie Tornberg-Belanger (PhD Epidemiology Student and Research Assistant)

Our researchers gave six oral presentations and presented six selected poster abstracts.  Topics ranged from childhood diarrhea and enteric diseases to implementation science approaches for mass drug administration to factors of hospitalized-based child mortality.  Scroll below to read each abstract and see photos from the conference. (more…)

October 11, 2019

Researchers share latest findings at the International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence in Nairobi, Kenya

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Last week, Global WACh researchers attended the 3rd International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence from October 2-4 in Nairobi, Kenya.  This workshop is an inclusive summit for multidisciplinary experts working with adolescents affected by HIV to share experiences, knowledge, and best practices with the aim of defining a pathway forward for optimizing care.  Adolescents are developmentally at a difficult crossroad, which makes it challenging to attract and sustain adolescents’ focus on maintaining their health.  Global WACh is leading multiple projects that put adolescents at the center of strategies and interventions to improve adherence to treatment for long-term health benefits.

July 26, 2019

Global WACh at IAS 2019

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This week, more than 10 Global WACh researchers attended the 10th International AIDS Society (IAS) Conference on HIV Science, the world’s most influential meeting on HIV research and its applications.  Our researchers also attended and presented at IAS-related events—the 11th International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics and the TB/HIV Symposium: “A new era in TB prevention: Implications for people living with HIV.”

Among all three scientific gatherings, Global WACh had 17 poster abstracts, 2 oral abstracts, and 1 oral symposia abstract accepted to present.  Our collaborator from Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya, Dr. John Kinuthia, co-chaired the oral abstract discussion titled “HIV testing: Pushing the envelope.” Click here for a full list of the accepted abstracts with links to available abstracts, electronic posters, and presentation slides. (more…)

March 11, 2019

Global WACh Researchers Share Latest Science at CROI 2019

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Last week, Global WACh researchers participated in the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) held in Seattle from March 5-7, 2019.  The annual conference brings together top basic, translational, and clinical researchers from around the world to share the latest studies, important developments, and best research methods in the ongoing battle against HIV/AIDS and related infectious diseases.  Our researchers shared their latest findings on testing for HIV, human papillomavirus (HPV), tuberculosis (TB), and on PrEP delivery practices.  Continue reading for highlights and a list of accepted posters by Global WACh researchers. (more…)

March 7, 2019

ATTACH Team Shares Findings at the Inter-CFAR Sub-Saharan Africa Symposium 2019

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Global WACh’s ATTACH team shared scientific findings at the annual Inter-CFAR Sub-Saharan Africa Symposium from January 31st to February 2nd, 2019 in Nairobi, Kenya.  The annual symposium incorporates career development activities targeted to the needs of early career investigators, hold keynote talks addressing scientific topics of interest for African HIV research, and identify novel future research directions.  The team’s research posters generated a lot of interest in how adolescents transition from pediatric to adult HIV care, and opportunities to discuss overcoming challenges. (more…)

December 3, 2018

Global WACh Shares Novel Research Findings at International Conferences

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Over Fall quarter, Global WACh researchers shared novel research findings from our three scientific priority areas (HIV Through the Lifecycle, Family Planning and Decision Support, and Gut Health and Child Survival) at several international conferences: The HIV Prevention for HIV Conference (HIVR4P), Union World Conference on Lung Health, and American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene (ASTMH) Continue reading for conference highlights and photos! (more…)

August 10, 2018

Global WACh Attends 2018 AIDS Conference in Amsterdam

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The International Aids Society hosted the 22nd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2018) in Amsterdam from July 23-27, 2018.  This year, the conference objectives focused on advancing knowledge of HIV through research findings, promoting evidence-based HIV responses tailored to key populations, activating and galvanizing political commitment and accountability, addressing gaps in and highlighting the critical role of HIV prevention, as well as spotlighting the epidemic and HIV response in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Global WACh faculty, staff, student research assistants, and international collaborators had a strong presence at the conference to share and discuss a number of selected abstracts.  In total, 12 members attended, with four selected abstracts for oral presentations and seven poster abstracts at AIDS 2018.  Some members participated in the pre-conference event, the 10th Workshop on HIV Pediatrics from July 20-21, where eight selected poster abstracts were featured.

Global WACh researchers at the HIV Pediatrics Workshop, a pre-conference event to the International AIDS Conference in Amsterdam. Pictured from top left to right: Grace John-Stewart, Anjuli Wagner, Danae Black, Kristin Beima-Sofie, Irene Nujunga. From bottom left to right: Cyrus Mugo and Dr. Keshet Ronen



July 19, 2018

Global WACh Researchers Head to 2018 AIDS Conference!

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Several Global WACh researchers are heading to Amsterdam, Netherlands for the 22nd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2018)!  Many are also attending the pre-conference Workshop on HIV Pediatrics. Whether attending as invited speakers or participants, we’re pleased that our researchers have a presence at IAS, the largest conference on any global health or development issue, and provides a unique forum for the intersection of science, advocacy, and human rights.  Global WACh is proud to support global leaders who are committed to positively impact the lives of women, adolescents, and children.  See the full list of selected abstracts here.

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