Global WACh


April 9, 2021

Cost-effectiveness analysis leading to updated WHO maternal HIV retesting guidelines published in JIAS

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HIV rapid test and a blood sample vial (Credit: American Psychological Association)

A new manuscript by Global WACh researchers, trainees, and collaborators was published in the Journal of the International AIDS Society (JIAS) last week.  The publication summarized the findings of the study, “Optimizing HIV retesting during pregnancy and postpartum in four countries: a cost-effectiveness analysis,” which examined the cost, impact, and cost-effectiveness of maternal HIV retesting timing and frequency in four countries—Colombia, Kenya, South Africa, and Ukraine. (more…)

February 19, 2021

Linda Kizazi Study team receives award to examine benefits of postnatal home visits for HIV-exposed mother-infant pairs in Kenya

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Congratulations, Dr. Ednah Ojee (Tutorial Fellow and Pediatrician, University of Nairobi Pediatrics and Child Health) and the Linda Kizazi Study (LKS) research team for receiving a 2020 UW/Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) International Pilot Award to support a new project to help formulate a home-based postnatal intervention to improve neonatal health outcomes in Kenya.  This project is a collaboration between investigators at the University of Washington, University of Nairobi, and Kenyatta National Hospital. (more…)

November 25, 2020

Researchers present at the virtual International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics 2020

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The 2020 International Workshop on HIV & Pediatrics was held virtually on November 16th and 17th.  This is the only scientific meeting entirely devoted to research in the prevention and treatment of HIV infections in infants, children, and adolescents, making it the premier forum for the world’s leading researchers.  Download the full program and abstract book here. (more…)

October 19, 2020

Researchers receive new award for pregnancy and breastfeeding PrEP adherence mHealth intervention

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Congratulations to Dr. John Kinuthia (Affiliated Associate Professor, UW Global Health; Obstetrician Gynecologist, Kenyatta National Hospital) and Dr. Jillian Pintye (Assistant Professor, UW School of Nursing) for receiving a National Institute of Health R01 award!  They are Multiple Principal Investigators of a new five-year randomized trial titled, “mWACh-PrEP: A SMS-based Support Intervention to Enhance PrEP Adherence during Pregnancy and Breastfeeding,” to evaluate the effects of a tailored two-way SMS communication tool on PrEP adherence among Kenyan women during the pregnancy and postpartum periods, when the risk of acquiring HIV is high. (more…)

October 14, 2020

UW, Kenyatta National Hospital, and University of Nairobi researchers receive award to develop HIV screening strategies in Kenya

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As prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV programs globally continue to increase reach and effectiveness, fewer children are living with HIV, but a growing proportion has had HIV exposure.  HIV-exposed uninfected (HEU) children in sub-Saharan Africa are a rapidly growing population in need of care to ensure their optimal health and well-being.  Compared to HIV-unexposed children, HEU children are more vulnerable to risks of illness and death and may have poorer neurodevelopmental and growth outcomes. (more…)

August 26, 2020

Dr. Irene Njuguna receives NIH Emerging Global Leader Award to support HIV+ adolescents thrive in schools

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Congratulations to Dr. Irene Njuguna (Pediatric Infectious Disease Resarcher, Kenyatta National Hospital) for receiving a National Institutes of Health K43 Emerging Global Leader Award!  Dr. Njuguna is currently involved in multiple University of Nairobi-Global WACh collaborative studies focused on pediatric and adolescent HIV.  This five-year award supports her growing research career in this field.  The new study titled “Understanding the role of schools in supporting HIV treatment outcomes among HIV infected adolescents,” — also known as TIMIZA, the Swahili word for “achieve” – focuses on the role of schools in supporting HIV treatment for adolescents in Kenya. (more…)

March 11, 2020

Global WACh researchers contribute to WHO HIV Testing Services guidelines for a changing epidemic


Global WACh and other UW researchers led a series of systematic reviews that informed the newly released 2019 World Health Organization (WHO) HIV testing guidelines.  Principal investigators Drs. Alison Drake (Global Health, Epidemiology) and David Katz (Medicine – Allergy and Infectious Diseases), along with project leads Drs. Anjuli Wagner (Global Health), Brandon Guthrie (Global Health, Epidemiology), and Christine Khosropour (Epidemiology), led reviews on syphilis testing, social network testing, demand creation, serodiscordant couples services, and sexual behavior change, respectively.  Readers can access the guidelines on the WHO’s website or as a mobile app on Apple and Android devices for on-the-go access. (more…)

October 18, 2019

Dr. Jillian Pintye awarded grant to evaluate safety of infant PrEP exposure for long-term health outcomes

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Dr. Jillian Pintye (Assistant Professor, School of Nursing) received a National Institutes for Health R01 award to lead a new study titled, “Evaluating Infant PrEP Exposure During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding.”

As the title suggests, Dr. Pintye and collaborators from Global WACh, International Clinical Research Center, Kenyatta National Hospital, and the University of California, San Francisco, will measure levels of pre- and postnatal pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) exposure and its impact on infant health outcomes.  There has not yet been a large-scale safety evaluation of prenatal PrEP use and long-term outcomes beyond 12 months—a feat this new study hopes to achieve.

October 11, 2019

Researchers share latest findings at the International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence in Nairobi, Kenya

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Last week, Global WACh researchers attended the 3rd International Workshop on HIV & Adolescence from October 2-4 in Nairobi, Kenya.  This workshop is an inclusive summit for multidisciplinary experts working with adolescents affected by HIV to share experiences, knowledge, and best practices with the aim of defining a pathway forward for optimizing care.  Adolescents are developmentally at a difficult crossroad, which makes it challenging to attract and sustain adolescents’ focus on maintaining their health.  Global WACh is leading multiple projects that put adolescents at the center of strategies and interventions to improve adherence to treatment for long-term health benefits.

August 19, 2019

Dr. Anjuli Wagner receives NIH K01 research and training grant to improve PrEP delivery for pregnant and postpartum women in Kenya

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Congratulations, Dr. Anjuli Wagner (Senior Fellow, Global Health) for receiving a National Institutes of Health (NIH) K01 grant, which supports early career researchers in gaining advanced research training and experience.  Dr. Wagner’s new study, “Testing implementation strategies to improve delivery of PrEP for pregnant and postpartum women in Kenya,” aims to optimize the scaled-up delivery of PrEP—the daily oral pill to prevent HIV—in Kenya, where PrEP is systemically delivered in some regions during pregnancy.  The grant allows Dr. Wagner an opportunity to complete her career development training in implementation science and health economics with strong mentorship and collaborations, and apply it within meaningful research to prevent maternal HIV acquisition in Kenya.

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