Global WACh


June 5, 2024

2nd annual Global WACh Student Poster Symposium celebrates and highlights student achievements over the academic year

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On May 28th in the Hans Rosling Center for Population Health, Global WACh hosted its second annual Student Poster Symposium featuring graduate student research aimed at improving the health and well-being of women, adolescents, and children. It was a celebratory end-of-year event to acknowledge students’ training, service, and achievement and give well wishes to those graduating UW.

This year’s symposium featured 14 posters by master’s and doctoral students and a postdoctoral fellow representing several departments and schools – Applied Bioengineering, Epidemiology, Global Health (General and Implementation Science tracks), Nursing, and Social Work. These included 90-hour capstone projects completed by students enrolled in the Global WACh Graduate Certificate Program, and master’s thesis and PhD dissertation-related posters by student supporting Global WACh’s research portfolio. Three posters were featured at scientific conferences over the academic year and shared with the UW global health community. (more…)

May 20, 2024

New grant supports scaling up integrated PrEP delivery to Kenyan pregnant and postpartum women

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Pregnancy is a high risk time for acquiring HIV. PrEP is a safe and effective prevention strategy to reduce women’s risk of acquiring HIV in pregnancy and postpartum and consequently vertical HIV transmission, improved health outcomes for both mother and child. In Kenya, this daily oral medication is being delivered in some regions during these life stages integrated into maternal and child (MCH) clinics, but scale-up has been sub-optimal.

Researchers from Global WACh and Kenyatta National Hospital have co-led implementation science studies focused on delivering integrated PrEP in routine MCH care, testing strategies to optimize delivery in western Kenyan counties. These represented the first and largest projects to deliver PrEP integrated into MCH clinics. Integrated PrEP delivery is now ready for scale up more broadly, which will require new implementation strategies to facilitate scale up. (more…)

April 29, 2024

Gut Health team shares experience supporting research consortiums at CUGH 2024

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Sonia Rao (Project Manager) and Alyson Shumays (Director of Research Operations) at CUGH 2024.

Global WACh team members, Sonia Rao and Alyson Shumays, attended the 2024 Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) Conference, held from March 7-10, in Los Angeles, CA to share what they’ve learned from supporting international research consortiums under the Gut Health and Child Survival research portfolio.

This year’s theme, “Global Health Without Borders: Acting for Impact,” created an environment for scientists, students and implementers from academia, NGOs, government, and the private sector to learn, share research, collaborate, and develop partnerships to address global health challenges. Global WACh featured two poster abstracts under one of seven subthemes, “Decolonizing – Reforming Global Health Equity, Justice, Global Health Education and Research.” Click the titles below to view the posters. (more…)

Researchers share pediatric and adolescent HIV and associated neurological research at CROI 2024

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Global WACh researchers participated in the 31st Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI), held from March 3 to 6, in Denver, CO. They shared the latest discoveries in HIV and Co-Infectious Through the Lifecycle research portfolio on topics covering data-informed stepped adolescent HIV care approaches and neuropsychological outcomes in children associated with HIV.
See below for a list of poster abstracts to view. (more…)

April 22, 2024

Enterics for Global Health Consortium publishes a protocol supplement describing the study rationale and methods

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Sixteen articles authored by the Enterics for Global Health (EFGH) Shigella surveillance study Consortium were recently published in the March 2024 issue of Open Forum Infectious Diseases.

The Enterics for Global Health (EFGH) Shigella surveillance study is a multi-country diarrhea surveillance study that aims to generate key data to optimize the design and implementation of pivotal Shigella vaccine trials. The protocol supplement describes the study rationale and current Shigella vaccine landscape, Consortium governance structure, epidemiologic and laboratory methods, and country site descriptions (Bangladesh, The Gambia, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Pakistan, and Peru).


April 8, 2024

Global WACh hosts Dr. Eleanor Namusoke Magongo for the Endowed DELV Lecture and Faculty Exchange in Global Health

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Dr. Eleanor Magongo delivered a keynote at UW on April 3, 2024. Credit: Kate Rankin

From April 2-4, Global WACh hosted Dr. Eleanor Namusoke Magongo, Paediatric and Adolescent HIV Care and Treatment Team Lead at the Ministry of Health Uganda, for a series of guest speaking events and meetings at the UW.  Dr. Magongo is a Pediatrician and Child Health Specialist with 15 years of experience leading teams to implement, monitor and scale up pediatrics and adolescent HIV programs in Uganda. She was selected by team members as the distinguished scholar of this year’s Endowed DELV Lecture and Faculty Exchange in Global Health program.  The program is supported by an endowed gift and intended to advance learning for UW faculty, staff, and students and to foster collaboration in global health. (more…)

March 6, 2024

New study aims to promote perinatal mental health screening and reduce the burden of perinatal mood and anxiety disorders in Kenya

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Multiple Principal Investigators Drs. John Kinuthia, Amritha Bhat, and Keshet Ronen

Pregnancy and the birth of a child is an exciting and celebratory time for many families. However, for many women and their families, it can be a difficult time if the mother is experiencing symptoms of depression or anxiety. These feelings may get better or go away with time, but if they don’t, it is critical to access care to prevent worsening symptoms and recover. Without appropriate intervention, these feelings can have long term adverse implications for the mental, physical, and emotional health of women, children, and their families. (more…)

January 30, 2024

DW3 Spotlight on World NTD Day

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Malawi census collection. Credit: Wheller, 2016.

On World Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTD) Day, we celebrate the accomplishments of the DeWorm3 study in the fight against NTDs and call on the global health community to renew our commitment to creating a healthier, more equitable world for all.

DeWorm3 is a large clinical trial that aims to determine the feasibility of interrupting the transmission of parasitic worms, known as Soil Transmitted Helminths (STH), through community-wide mass drug administration (cMDA) that provides deworming medication to individuals of all ages in selected communities in Benin, Malawi, and India. STH are associated with nutritional deficiencies, cognitive impairment, and developmental problems amongst people who are heavily infected. The World Health Organization estimates that 1.5 billion individuals are infected with STH, representing 24% of the world’s population. The project began in 2016 with results expected in Spring of 2024. (more…)

January 26, 2024

Announcing the 2023-2024 UW Rising Star Award Recipients

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The Global WACh and Enterics for Global Health (EFGH) Shigella surveillance study (housed within the center) are pleased to announce the four recipients of the 2023-2024 Rising Star Award cycle.  A goal of the award program was to identify highly talented junior investigators from institutions in low-middle income countries (LMIC) who are committed to a career in research in woman, adolescent, and child health broadly, and in pediatric enteric and diarrheal disease.  To learn more about the award program and previous recipients, visit our informational webpages on the Global WACh and EFGH study sites. Meet our Rising Stars!


December 21, 2023

SEEMS-Nutrition project publishes a how-to guide for measuring costs and benefits of multisectoral nutrition strategies

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Since 2019, researchers and partners of the Strengthening Economic Evaluation for Multisectoral Strategies for Nutrition (SEEMS-Nutrition) project have aimed to fill an information gap on costs, cost-effectiveness, and benefits of scaling up food system strategies in resource-constrained areas combating malnutrition. They developed a common approach to conduct costing studies that is integrated with program impact evaluations for multisector nutrition programs.

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