Global WACh

Implementation Science

December 2, 2024

Enterics for Global Health (EFGH) Phase C aims to assess policymaker preferences on Shigella vaccine characteristics

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The Enterics for Global Health (EFGH): Shigella surveillance study was launched in 2022 and aims to establish incidence and consequences of Shigella diarrhea among children 6-35 months in Bangladesh, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Pakistan, Peru, and The Gambia and inform future Shigella vaccine trial planning. The study protocol has been published in a supplement in Open Forum of Infectious Diseases. During Phases A and B, the EFGH Consortium built a robust collaborative research infrastructure to facilitate shared scientific decision making and protocol standardization, and recently completed enrollment of 9,476 participants in August 2024.

November 26, 2024

Dr. Arianna Means awarded grant to develop a researcher-friendly tool to improve translating evidence into practice

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It is estimated that it takes an average of 17 years for 14% of clinical research to translate into practice. Many evidence-based interventions (EBIs), including biomedical interventions or practices that have demonstrated ability to improve health behaviors, health outcomes, or health-related environments, fail to translate into policy and practice.

There are several cultural, organizational, political and operational barriers that prevent effective uptake of EBIs.  There may be serious constraints in policymakers’ preferences and priorities, the ability to supply the workforce training needed, and communication gaps between researchers and policymakers, among many other factors.

Dr. Arianna Means, Assistant Professor in UW Global Health, who is a trained epidemiologist and implementation scientist, is launching a new project in early 2025 to help close the gap between what scientists know can optimize health and what they do in practice (often referred to as “the know-do gap”) by identifying and addressing the barriers that slow or halt the uptake of EBIs. (more…)

August 1, 2024

Dr. Arianna Means lends expertise at NICHD staff training on best practices in implementation science research methods


A key trait of Global WACh researchers is their willingness to lend their expertise and share what they know to support academic, scientific, and personal development of scientists, fellows, and students at all levels. Dr. Arianna Means, Assistant Professor in UW Global Health, who is a trained epidemiologist and implementation scientist, was one of three speakers invited to present on fundamentals of implementation science methods at an internal staff training at the National Institute of Child Health and Development (NICHD). (more…)

May 20, 2024

New grant supports scaling up integrated PrEP delivery to Kenyan pregnant and postpartum women

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Pregnancy is a high risk time for acquiring HIV. PrEP is a safe and effective prevention strategy to reduce women’s risk of acquiring HIV in pregnancy and postpartum and consequently vertical HIV transmission, improved health outcomes for both mother and child. In Kenya, this daily oral medication is being delivered in some regions during these life stages integrated into maternal and child (MCH) clinics, but scale-up has been sub-optimal.

Researchers from Global WACh and Kenyatta National Hospital have co-led implementation science studies focused on delivering integrated PrEP in routine MCH care, testing strategies to optimize delivery in western Kenyan counties. These represented the first and largest projects to deliver PrEP integrated into MCH clinics. Integrated PrEP delivery is now ready for scale up more broadly, which will require new implementation strategies to facilitate scale up. (more…)

April 8, 2024

Global WACh hosts Dr. Eleanor Namusoke Magongo for the Endowed DELV Lecture and Faculty Exchange in Global Health

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Dr. Eleanor Magongo delivered a keynote at UW on April 3, 2024. Credit: Kate Rankin

From April 2-4, Global WACh hosted Dr. Eleanor Namusoke Magongo, Paediatric and Adolescent HIV Care and Treatment Team Lead at the Ministry of Health Uganda, for a series of guest speaking events and meetings at the UW.  Dr. Magongo is a Pediatrician and Child Health Specialist with 15 years of experience leading teams to implement, monitor and scale up pediatrics and adolescent HIV programs in Uganda. She was selected by team members as the distinguished scholar of this year’s Endowed DELV Lecture and Faculty Exchange in Global Health program.  The program is supported by an endowed gift and intended to advance learning for UW faculty, staff, and students and to foster collaboration in global health. (more…)

June 14, 2023

New study aims to identify barriers to implementing national sickle cell disease management guidelines in Kenya

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Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a multi-system, life-threatening condition characterized by chronic anemia, frequent episodes of painful vaso-occlusive crises, organ infarction and eventually widespread organ damage. Over 80% of the 240,000 children born with SCD in sub-Sahara Africa each year die before their fifth birthday. Despite the existence of evidence-informed guidelines around the use of disease modifying interventions necessary for the management of SCD, guideline implementation in the region is suboptimal leading to preventable morbidity and mortality. (more…)

May 26, 2023

Global WACh participates in the DGH LAPIS Symposium

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On May 19th in the Hans Rosling Center, the Learning for Action in Policy Implementation and Health Systems (LAPIS) Initiative–a resource hub aiming to foster collaboration across the Department of Global Health and support the integration of health policy or health systems objectives into research grants and training–held its first event in the Global Health Systems and Policy Implementation Symposium Series.  The event included lightning talk sessions, poster abstract sessions, and opportunities for networking. Multiple centers, programs, and initiatives of the department, including Global WACh, participated in the symposium to showcase their efforts in health systems strengthening, policy implementation research, and education and training. (more…)

January 30, 2023

Implementation science researchers share their findings at Conference on the Science of Dissemination & Implementation (D&I)

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Powerhouse UW presence at the D&I conference!

In December 2022, the 15th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination & Implementation (D&I) in Washington, DC convened several members of Global WACh’s Working in Implementation Science (WISE) Working Group, which include Global Health PhD Implementation Science track students, to share scientific findings and learn from other researchers. The D&I Conference is co-hosted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and AcademyHealth and helps realize the full potential of evidence to optimize health and health care by bridging the gap between research, practice, and policy. By outlining priorities in the field, the conference aims to ensure that evidence is used to inform decisions that will improve the health of individuals and communities. (more…)