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October 2024 ISCFC Teacher Planning and Discussion

Welcome teachers!! Please REGISTER on the forum (using the 'Log in / Join' link in the banner at above right), and then use this discussion to introduce yourself to the other teacher participants in the ISCFC. In so doing, you can practice posting and commenting on other posts.

If you have any Footprint resources to share among the group, please post them here.

To find all the teacher resources related to the ISCFC, go to the ISCFC Teacher Participation page.

Teacher Planning Discussion >

Hello from Forks


I teach Biology and Marine Science at Forks High School in Forks Washington.


welcome John!  Looking forward to meeting your students here !


Hey John.... I see your little flag on the map... but alas not sure how to get mine up there. I read the directions but I must be missing something.


Hello Alice!  You can find all of the participation information (including the steps to submit your class data and a whole lot more) by clicking the "participate" link at the top of any page on the ISCFC site -and then open up the "Teacher Participation Steps".

For the data in particular leading to a map pin, you need to:

1) gather the data from all of your students.  On the first conclusion page there is a link for your students to email their data to you -- which is how most teachers gather their students' summary data (total footprint and the 4 categories - home, food, purchases, transport.

2. Fill out the spreadsheet that you can download at this link
https://depts.washington.edu/i2sea/docs … ations.xls

Note that we ask you to fill your information in the upper yellow field, and your students' data in the lower field.  The student name column is for you- put in there whatever you like, we do not post individual student information, just the compiled data.

3. email the completed spreadsheet to me (hodin(at)uw.edu)

4. There is a guide to filling out the spreadsheet at this link:
https://depts.washington.edu/i2sea/docs … ctions.pdf

let me know if you have any questions!


(note that we are hoping to one day soon automate the process of posting map pins based on submitted data from students who selected their school when they did their calculations... as soon as we have funding for that, we'll implement it!)


thanks, I read through the teacher participation info but it just didnt make sense there... Its me not you I am sure.

but what you wrote here makes sense and now that students are able to e-mail me here is hoping.

6 posts
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