Narratives for SSPs

Chairs: Brian O’NeillElmar Kriegler

Work with broadened membership to explore adding information on governance & institutions, income distribution (add to existing), and “shocks” to global SSPs. Revise and finalize narratives for SSPs (build on Boulder drafts and incorporating Hague workshop feedback). Develop plan for ensuring SSPs communicate effectively with end users and the public.

The Narratives Working Group is currently revising narratives based on drafts produced at the Workshop on The Nature and Use of New Socioeconomic Pathways for Climate Change Research held in Boulder, CO, in November 2011. It is taking into account 30+ pages of comments received during the public comment period, which ended on October 15, 2012.

Many thanks to all who provided comments! For background on the narratives and the overall scenario process, see the Boulder meeting report and the draft scenarios framework paper.